Works fine with Fennec (F-Droid) and uBlock Origin
Works fine with Fennec (F-Droid) and uBlock Origin
Happens in germany too. A lot of people get a special salary at the end of the year, Christmas money if you will, and that also accounts into the yearly salary. If I earn 4K a month, I earn 48K a year, but if I get 100% christmas money, I earn 52K.
In Germany, driving with a manual is pretty standard. Although I did a special driving license (B197) which allows you to learn driving on a manual for 10 lessons and then switch to automatic for the rest of the course and the driving exam while still being allowed to drive a manual. It’s pretty new tho. I did it because I really sucked at shifting. I now drive a manual and I’d say I’m okay with it although I’d really prefer an automatic.
In Germany, it’s against the law to not do a full stop at traffic signs. You will fail your driving test doing this and you’ll definitely get pulled over when you’re seen doing it.
Must have overread this, sorry
Dexter Holland has a PhD in Microbiology
Yes, that pure capitalism does not exist, that is correct. But that is what pure capitalism would look like and the question was why people don’t like capitalism
Weird. I attended a university in Germany and paid like 300€/semester and got a government student loan so I have student debts of like 10K because everything the government lend me more than that is a gift. That’s how free education is working. If health insurance is mandated, this is working too.
I’m just gonna tell you what happens when pure capitalism would exist in a country.
There would be no taxes. That sounds alright, but listen: Everything is on a market. Healthcare, education, everything. There is competition for everything. That means companies will have to do stuff to win you as a customer. One big company in every industry sector will win and buy all the other companies that have gone bankrupt. Then, we have monopolies and the big companies can raise their prices however they want and control us in every way they want.
A lot of people reduce Duolingo to their app, but they offer a big website on which you get a lot of explanations
That one’s on me. Thanks!
I just tried it (thank you BTW) and it says no App Store found when I try to install new languages, any idea?
I’m a german native so I guess I will be fine, thank you!
See if there are any organizations with a focus on civil protection and disaster control out there. Examples in Germany are THW and DRK. A lot of them are looking for volunteers who’ll spend some of their free time training. You’ll learn a lot and do something good.