Oh I didn’t know about the repository. Can it sync my settings between devices so I don’t have to reconfigure every time I hop on a new computer?
Oh I didn’t know about the repository. Can it sync my settings between devices so I don’t have to reconfigure every time I hop on a new computer?
Not the same thing at all, you’re mistaking Visual Studio with Visual Studio Code. VScodium is a replacement for VScode, not VS.
On another note, I tried multiple times VScodium and it’s missing too many extensions that I use. Mainly Sql server ones made by MSFT.
It’s not a bad service, their workflow is restrictive, but I think it is a good workflow though. Their goal is to make their user change the way they approach emails.
It’s ambitious, but I won’t blame them. It showed me a way to manage emails that I didn’t know before though and I adapted it for my needs.
Yes, you can sync the calendars from a google account, so you can see/modify all the calendars that you have on that google account. Fastmail becomes a client for google calendar. But you can also have your own personal calendars inside Fastmail, not synced with google calendar.
This is also what I do, I think it’s impossible with Proton, though you can with Fastmail. This is the feature request for proton mail: https://protonmail.uservoice.com/forums/932842-proton-calendar/suggestions/42344065-read-write-sync-with-other-calendars-office365-g
I’m currently still using Google calendar with Fastmail, I can edit in fastmail and everything is synced with Google calendar.
I’m willing to stop using Google services, but I can’t ask the same from others. This is why I still use google calendar and google photos. To share with my family.
There is another important feature too that I need, but I don’t know if proton supports it. Fastmail currently manage the emails from 2 of my domains. I also supply an email address from one of those domains to each member of my family. I need to be able to forward every email received to a specific address to a Gmail address. The emails must skip my mailbox completely and not look as a simple forwarded email in their Gmail.
I’ve tried Hey, it’s nice, but you’re stuck with their workflow.
I decided to reproduce their workflow inside of Fastmail. Worked well and now I adapted it for my needs. Something I couldn’t have done with Hey.
Even today, I’m exploring Proton and I’m finding that some basic features offered by Fastmail are not available in Proton. The idea of encrypted emails is nice, but I’m not sacrificing some features that I use.
As I said to people I know, fun. I have fun setting this up. Its a hobby. I like to search for bargains and build the automations. If you don’t have fun doing it, its usually not really worth it. It gets expensive quick and its kind of a lot of work to research and setup if you want to keep your privacy.