Why so negative? Maybe block posts about this.
Why so negative? Maybe block posts about this.
What do you have against ms authenticator?
Should have taken your own advice.
Why you gotta be so critical about that mass? So negative.
So you go around and pick on other people too and try to force your opinion on them eh?
That’s racist against bats.
Thank goodness
I tried watching and even skipped around. " I keep mine in a bag, let me show you" then he gets up for a min, then he struggles with the bag. I searched for… you know… INFO ABOUT THE FUCKING HEADPHONES for maybe 5 min after watching for 3-5 min.
Soon it was “welp, guess I’m not checking those out”
May I ask what you use a download manager for these days?
I’m an older internet user myself, I remember using idm for my connection dropping on dial up and it being able to resume without issue. Now though it seems I wouldn’t need it as I download things without much issue.
New viruses happen in nature LITERALLY ALWAYS - the only people to blame are the idiots who didn’t contain infection properly (See trump demanding those people get off their cruise and be sprinkled across america)
I came to say vinegar
It will clean it 100% without even the soap
That’s a burden of proof fallacy. 😕
It’s no one’s job to prove the opposite. The burden is on the initial claim.
Ty asking the real questions. I was like uhhhhh…“I do not understand” yep yep yep
Urgh - MONSTEROUS behavior
Transplant tourism in China 🇨🇳
There’s only one reason to make a device to give people an invisible lobotomy with that contraption. Transplant tourism is a real thing, if you need a kidney, they’ll find some poor Chinese citizen who’s broken some menial law or just pull some poor Uyghur, labotomize them, poof there’s your kidney match in short order.
Here’s a video of what these people are doing https://youtu.be/xUiuVjX2ubQ?feature=shared
It changed my life because after seeing this, for all practical purposes, I try my very best to avoid things from China because I don’t want one penny of my money going to support this barbaric inhumanity.
If I see “made in China” I will try my best to find an alternative. For example, I returned to razor mice because they were made in China and got one of the same model instead that was made in Taiwan. It was sort of a luck of the draw, I had to buy two of the same model before I got one from the country that I wanted it from and I returned the one that was made in China. It was about an extra hours worth of annoyance, but it’s important to me to keep doing things like that, because of this video. Fuck the Chinese Communist Party and their treating other human beings like animals.
I get that 3d printing is cool. It is, but new doesn’t always mean better.
You can still “analog 3d print” anything with know how and the right tools. So why not a simple box frame out of oak? Can’t be that hard.
Idk why everyone is even insisting on a 3d printed case, just cut a square hole in a cigar box. Done.
Shit, get a thick book nobody reads and cut the middle of the book out and house a screen inside the 📖 book, glue the pages on the outside together with some modge podge. Done for the price of a cheap novel with a hardcover and some glue and a knife if you don’t have one.
Tips = To Insure Prompt Service It’s a slavery term
Add to that, flying toasters
What happened? You were keeping pace? Don’t you like generating content?