Do you want cats on your desk? Cause that’s how you get cats on your desk.
Do you want cats on your desk? Cause that’s how you get cats on your desk.
I fixed a boot issue from the grub command line for the first time.
If Christians could agree with each other about what’s in the bible, history would be a lot more boring.
In Lom Stave Church, a Norwegian church from the 12th century, there are Nordic runes carved into the wooden wall, right below the ceiling.
They read:
“I was here, all the way up in the corner.”
“If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.”
– Terry Pratchett, in The Thief of Time
The Christian explanation for this is that god doesn’t do evil, people do.
And god created people with free will to do evil. If he made people stop doing evil deeds, they would be his puppets, not free-willed humans. So he has the power to end all evil but chooses not to.
Now as for why god allows natural disasters, diseases and other tragedies to befall his creation – again, that’s just the consequence of our actions, cause a woman gave an apple to her man in the past.
Monosodium glutamate
No, the French are always revolting.
Which they did on purpose, so you can’t use the recorded song commercially.
Every car you could buy in the past 20 (probably 30) years had a computer system, because you can’t meet emissions regulations without fuel injection.
In Europe, the Dacia Sandero base model is a car that literally only comes with what’s needed to drive or mandated by law.
The previous generation was still available with wind-up windows, no power steering and no radio.
I don’t know about any offerings in the US market.
For that, they’d have to develop an entirely new engine, which they then couldn’t sell in Europe, America, Australia or most of Asia due to emissions regulations. So maybe they’re doing it, but it will be a one-off prestige project at the end of the internal combustion engine age, and all of them will be put in museums or private collections.
When did the ships from OP’s math question turn into sailboats?
If it means I never have to deal with printers again, I’ll take it.
You’re a scribe. You create, correct, alter, copy, share and distribute texts which help run things smoothly in the kingdom.
Not sure if the concept of “settings” would be something they can relate to.
Sounds IT-related. Can you fix my printer?
It can never escape because its turning speed helps nothing while the distance is big, so the pursuing ship can always catch up to it again.
The only reason a fighter pilot has a chance to escape a faster missile is when the missile’s targeting system can only see in front of it, so when it overshoots it loses its target.
But with a faster turning speed, the chased ship can evade the pursuer forever, if the captain always turns at the perfect moment.
Technically, it has an equivalent in r/ich_iel. But that’s a generic German meme sub, while the fediverse version is dominated by half a dozen users making memes about their private life. It has a weird-as-fuck soap opera love story between a cow and ramen noodles, hero worship of a bright yellow superhero fighting against parking offenders, and genuinely interesting insights into the German public train system.
From the Eastern German “Democratic Republic”:
Chairman Honecker steps out on his balcony in the morning and greets the sun:
“Good morning, dear sun!”
The sun replies:
“Good morning, dear Comrade Honecker!”
After lunch, Honecker again steps out on his balcony:
“Good afternoon, dear sun!”
The sun replies:
“Good afternoon, dear Comrade Honecker!”
In the evening, Honecker steps out once more:
“Good night, dear sun!”
The sun replies:
“Fuck you, asshole! I’m in the west now!”
Sounds like an average day on feddit.