That last bit hits home… hard
That last bit hits home… hard
I’m often on the opposite side of your cashier experience.
For me personally, I appreciate the polite gesture and understand the automatic nature it can be for some, especially southerners. So unless I can tell that I’m being “sir’d” with someone who has clocked me and wants to show their smoothbrain, then I don’t care much.
That said, I like the general idea of treating everyone with a nonconfrontational politeness, so I’ve been replacing formal pronouns with chief, coach, Bud, comrade, etc. Its ended up being even more disarming for most, and has a nice side effect of reducing the amount that I get misgendered.
Hope it helps, Have a great day chief!
Hexagons are Bestagons!
I like the cut of his jib, just never connected with any projects of his really.
Do I sense another follower of the man I adopted as my new dad - Adam Savage?
Depending on the amount of different pills you have, something I did for 2 family members might work. Between the 2 of them, there were 22~25 Actual prescriptions, and they both insisted upon a suppliment regimen of about 25 more pills.
I bought them a screw/nail/bolt organizer drawer set from Harbour Frieght, and used a System of a few colors to label the drawer front with what pill and dose was in it, and who takes it&what time of day. The biggest help ended up being the lack of constantly messing with lids, bulk purchasing was much easier and saved a fair amount of money, and being able to see what was low.
Although I lost one of them last month (my Mom) too early, she often praised it for how much time it saved, and my other family member is in her mid 80’s and still keeps the regimen, supplinents and all.
The bigger drawer stacks may be too much, but I’d suggest looking in that area of products for something sized right. Planning out more than the 3/5/7 days of meds at one time is often half spent opening bottles and the mess many can make. (ノ°益°)ノ
As I anticipated, I’ve yet to find a replacement for most of the things I enjoyed from Tom.
My source of uniquely emoted monologues of the British persuasion is often somewhat filled by “Lost in the Pond”.
My engineering/hardware fix is a mix of many channels, a “newer” channel some may not yet know would be “Inheritance Machinery”
Funky Art projects/style has lately been Ali Spangola, she’s a real hoot
Unique Items of a vaguely educational nature would be Objectivity as well as Steve Mould
And Gameshows and the like from DropoutTv, thoughve I’ve yet to find anything like CitationNeeded.
Tom’s a hard guy to replace, but thats not really something I’ve tried to do anyways. I just get my fixes from many youtubers who also provide unique and wonderful content too.
Any general effects you’ve noticed?
Maths, because its maths all the way down/up.
I don’t think they’re going to recover at this point.
solo sorry, couldn’t help myself
Thats exactly what it is ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I didn’t say he was an ideal vessel. He’s just managed to somehow be cool(?)er than they are with the population, and they benefit still. I don’t mean like some illuminati type BS, just a matter of happy coincidences, and a few convenient occasional suggestions I’d imagine. Oh, and money.
Besides, the amount he’s defrauded is essentially chump change once you consider insurance and assets etc.
The laws that lead to such actions being classified as they are, are a direct result of the the rich imposing their desires on the world. Trump is a vessel for that to happen for most of them, so he is tolerated, more or less.
The fact that Trump was able to commit the frauds in the first place and only get attention from the law just now is part of the wealthy’s SOP
I see 3 outcomes, in order of least to most in likelihood and excitement:
Julius see’s the error in his ways and establishes what essentially is an entirely new politcal system that is so good and just that It would stand today.
Same scenario as above except his grandson grows up to one day claim his rule and reverses everything.
He is killed, and for the exact same reasons as current lore. Either because his arrogance causes him to deny what will happen, or because regardless of any attempt to avoid such an outcome those who sought the power he had would still seek out that same power. Both lessons are fairly important but I think the latter one is often missed in the countless retellings. Power both corrupts and it’s one sexy hot bitch.
In a similar vein, there is a town in Oklahoma (the foam finger above Texas) called Hooker.
I’ve been there… It should just be called Lot Lizard…
I think its a law that new cars must be sold with them.
This exactly. My favorite teachers throughout every level of education were first and foremost passionate about whatever it was they were teaching.
I had an absolute goober of a football coach as a teacher for an earth-science/physical science (blanking on what it was actually called) class in middle school. Coaches were required to be teachers, and every coach me or my friends had up till then was boring, even though they knew the material well, being middle-school level amd all.
But my science class that year was my favorite class I’d ever taken in school. Even though I’d already learned most of the material outside of school, I paid attention every single class because coach was genuinely interested in the topic, and you could tell. I remember when we had a unit over the geology and makeup of the earth, he was literally giddy the day we started it because he was planning on showing us the movie The Core at the end of the unit.
This underpaid coach and teacher had actually found the time to fight for a movie not approved for use, despite having a list of plenty of other media he could’ve shown. I remember that really impressing me too. You could tell he was excited about the lessons, and I can’t remember a single student who wasn’t interested in class discussions at some point.
Be interested, and genuine.
If all the program needs to do is keep a set of nested lists of storage locations in a format that you set… Then it sounds like something you might find in any entry level college textbook in whichever language you prefer. At least the basic functionality that is, for a GUI you might be looking at the next book in the subject.
You could always try having a go at making your own. Between online materials and clumsy ChatGPT, I think it wouldn’t take much time to learn what you’d need.