What if we were able do to travel around in a robot suit that we could fully control. Oh yeah, thats a car.
What if we were able do to travel around in a robot suit that we could fully control. Oh yeah, thats a car.
Who’s to say that other people’s preferences are more important than their own,
Because communication is about getting your ideas and opinions into other people’s minds. I may prefer to write in swahili, but my audience prefers English.
particularly given that this particular preference is shared by millions of other people.
Over particular mediums for particular topics, yes the all lowercase preference may dominate. ALL CAPS FOR SHOUTING and miXeD CaPs FoR cRAzY provide excellent emphasis. But history shows that capitalization is an advantage. It was invented during the printing press and stayed as convention.
Here’s some more discussion
It is irrelevant that they don’t believe capitalization aids with clarity.
Communication is about what other people prefer, not what you personally like. And they obviously do want to communicate well
It’s just an extra convention to help communication. But I don’t buy your lazy argument because:-
No, he said they “need to figure out a different open source strategy”. That is completely different.
Don’t you find capitalisation help to define sentences? It’s much easier to read, particularly at speed.
Utopia (UK 2 season version)
Not too expensive.
Is there an AR app for warhammer 40k yet, to measure distances, get stats, roll dice etc?
1m Bullet chess.
I finally understand why gamers obsess about ping.
Before Google dominated you had a different search engine for blogs, mp3s, warez, link pages etc. You also had directories where the content of the web was neatly organised by topic.
Make sure you use the right type of search engine for the type of information you want.
So … shouldn’t German screws now turn to the left?
I’m going to assume the other person has that covered.
I’m filling mine with 4k baby shark music videos.
You are not thinking cumulatively.
It’s not even close to triple, it’s like 15%.
From the article
“emit 2.5 billion tons by 2030, which is three times higher than the predictions if generative AI had not come into play.”
Waterwheels. Thousands of years old but still an essential part of our energy system.
Or if you did get out you’d immediately slip and crack your head open.