As if any institution, org or group that has an agenda to push doesn’t have battalions of bots guiding the discussion of forums to whichever way they want and not just fake followers and likes. As if people would need permission or would ask for it even if they had to. You just cant have any real sense of the public opinion on the internet, if there ever was such a time.
The only significant “China risk” for European companies is future western sanctions on China, not anything China will do. Washington will one day come up with an another “stop China” plan for whatever reason. Brussels will follow it without question or thought about negative effects on Europe, just because it’s given in Brussels that EU will follow US wherever it goes. EU has no ability or even the will to do otherwise or really stand against the US for European economic self interest.
Chinese market and manufacturing is not something European companies they can do without anyway. Especially after the current sanction war, the economic necessity for trade with China has only increased, but so has European reliance on the US. European companies just have to go for it and pray that Washington will not fuck them over (they will).