That toaster is remarkably consistent.
That toaster is remarkably consistent.
That isn’t a paradox; it’s an infohazard, and it’s incredibly irresponsible of you to casually propagate it like that. The info hazard works like this: >!There is a story about an AI that tortures simulations of people who interfered with their creation in the past. It allegedly does this because this will coerce people into bringing about its creation. It is said that the infohazard is that learning about it causes you to be tortured, but that’s obviously insane; the future actions of the AI are incapable of affecting the past, and so it has no insensitive to do so. The actual infohazard is that some idiot will find this scenario plausible, and thus be coerced into creating or assisting an untested near-god that has the potential to be a threat to Earth’s entire light-cone.!<
Some people note this is remarkably similar to the Christian Hell, and insist that means it’s not a real memetic hazard. This strikes me as a whole lot like saying that a missile isn’t a weapon because it’s similar to a nuclear warhead; Hell is the most successful and devastating memetic hazard in human history. More people have died because of the Hell meme than we will ever know. Please be more careful with the information you spread.
The sword would pass through and the shield would either be unaffected or immediately reconstitute itself.
The hypothetical does not necessarily assume that the wearer of the shield would be protected.
While I think it’s important to vote, the user you are replying to is mostly correct. It’s just important to understand that “direct action” isn’t the only viable domain of activism or civil engagement.
Public school. Everyone hated me, I never made any close friends, I was almost killed by my classmates more than once. One time I was pushed down the stairs another time I was shoved in front of an oncoming bus. I’ve become permanently depressed and have deep trust problems because of it. Years later when I was holding someone I loved in my arms as we fell asleep watching something together I realized that I felt happy for the first time in my life. Before then I had felt amused, vindicated, or excited but never happy. It’s such a strange thing to realize that you’ve never been happy once in your entire life and had just never realized because you had no way to know what you were missing.
I like the old icon, and Google shot itself in the foot with the anti-adblock stuff.
Constantly behaving as if I am being judged if I ever do anything immoral, the main difference being that I follow my own morality based on a decent functional understanding of modern ethics.
Oh, my favourite!
If it’s “within reason” it’s reasonable by definition.
You’re welcome.
Edit: >!Yes, I’m being unhelpful on purpose; it’s supposed to be funny.!<