LegionEris [she/her]

Leading a one woman branch of the Erisian Liberation Front! In love with almost everything all the time.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • I left reddit a while ago for Instagram. There’s a lot of art on Instagram, and I enjoy that I can interact with artists there. I also do some personal and professional networking there. But I always missed having a text first space for discussion. And I missed that old school forum feel. It’s been a long time since reddit fulfilled those needs effectively, and Instagram isn’t even trying. I heard about Lemmy when the API exodus happened and decided to give it a shot. So far it’s kept my interest. It has a fun racous forum feel still, and could grow quite a bit yet without losing it.

  • Tbh, my wife and I have been together for so long and through so much that is has become easy. We’ve been together more than fifteen years, and both of us consider our childhoods of abuse to be the hardest periods of our lives. We know and trust each other deeply and implicitly. She’s had an increasingly serious second partner for more than five years now, and it’s become pretty easy. I’m casually looking for a boyfriend, and she’s excited for me. It’s the foundational strength of our relationship that makes this lifestyle possible. We’ve built a big, full life together, and we have enough love and space in our lives to share <3

  • Probably the Gateless Gate, the Eiichi Shimomissé translation. I’m actually a Discordian, but I find the Principia best for introduction. It devotes a lot of space to silly rules you’re supposed to violate and other introductory concepts and practices. And Illuminatus! is plagued by a masculine confidence and aggression that both the writers and Hagbard were aware of and tried to minimize. The Gateless Gate is, to me, much better for staying deep in the untethered state of pure Discordian existence. It talks a little much of patriarchs, but it’s not thematically essential. And it isn’t rooted in and doesn’t reference modern western theology and philosophy like the Principia because it was never intended to stand in contrast to or lead people out of modern western theology. Both the Principia and Illuminatus! reference it in some way because secular zen is important to the development of Discordianism. Maybe no book has ever changed my life as much as Illuminatus! but the Mumonkan is one of my primary tools for staying rooted in this way of being. It’s with me all the time. One of the first things I do when I get a new phone is make sure my Mumonkan made it over or go download it again. I read it whenever I’m feeling lost or confused and uncertain about a decision or life change. It always leads me back to me.