Shut the fuck up cracker, there’s no “reading” which can cover such vastly different regions of the world with their own queer histories. By bringing up your orientalist ideas of the global south you’re only proving your own stupidity. You clearly exist in a context in which the trans flag is common and a clear indicator to pay special regards to that user’s pronouns, and instead of just apologizing and moving on you’re making a mockery of yourself by trying to use your own racism to disguise your transphobia.
For someone calling queers snowflakes you sound real salty over being banned for transphobia over a year ago
What do your racist ideas of a homogenous global south with no queers have to do with this. Literally why say this.
Horrifying! Imagine burning all that money for a genocidal maniac who targeted black and trans people during her tenure as California’s Top Cop.
That scene in End of Evangelion where they’re all in each other’s minds
HA thank you, I’m still learning to properly use my pinyin engine and identify correct characters
谢谢习大大, 爱国者们掌握了局势, 没有共产党就没有新中国
She’s literally correct; studies from even anti-Chinese partisan sources can’t help but find that satisfaction with the government is overwhelming. While you treat anti-imperialist movements like this sitting from your home in the imperial core, you’re not a revolutionary or helping anybody build towards anything better, you’re an active hindrance. Feel free to imbibe the actual opinions of people in China so you can understand the conditions there and not just your cracker conditioning. It’s not perfect, but overthrow would be far; far worse.
20s, Southern US, and yes. It’s weird seeing folks who don’t since most of the shitboxes we drove were
My landleach pays for energy, so, 72F at all times and a small data center running in the corner
Living, itself, has become identified as an imperialist amerikkkan bourgeois decadence
Find a big queer city >:) even if you aren’t queer there’ll be plenty of fine folks and communists abound
Yeah I mean, I came from a very poor region and it was hard to move for me, but it was made easier because my family was beginning to cut me off for being queer anyway and I had the privilege of WFH too. I know lots of people who’d move out of their region if not for their family supporting them in some way they can’t get elsewhere (or they don’t think so, atleast).
I just can’t imagine leaving my community so easily for a job I guess, but I imagine plenty of folks must do it all the time.
And if they’re managed well on top of being worker controlled, but that’s usually been a mixed bag historically
Wait just realized you’re anglo since your username has “colour”. Uhh, yeah, maybe organizing with your local councils will be your best bet? You guys are really missing out on that spontaneous violence we have in the states that gives life an interesting kick.
Leave comically large banana peels out in the tourist streets and wait for your victims to come sliding on by 😈
Seriously though, maybe organizing locally against it if other people feel strongly about it would be a good idea? If all else fails there’s always ol’ reliable (getting a pistol and shooting blanks at odd hours)
Just say you don’t want to change your gender, that it shouldn’t be expected that one should have to change their gender for fair treatment. The gender you were born as and identify with should grant you equal treatment in society, otherwise is kind of a crazy “gotcha”.