Thanks a ton!
Thanks a ton!
Do you happen to have a higher resolution versio? I would like to use it as a phone background
My partner sets two alarms, one an hour earlier when they take the adhd medicine and go back to sleep. It has sped up their bed -> outside time significantly.
Have you tried it? At least for me, I often get better results compared to google. Also Kagi has a free trial of 100 searches.
Granted I’m a developer, so my job is basically just searching for information, so getting better results is really valuable for me.
I go through the alphabets and try to come up with a words that starts with each letter, that fits in a specific category. Atm I’m working on fruits, so Apple, Banana, Coconut etc.
I can get tinnitus if I have too much ear-wax and I have to remove it periodically, since it wont come out on its own.
It’s interesting to meet someone else who also struggles with an overuse of parentheses and ellipses (I didn’t know what they were called, thanks for that!).
This is a complete shot in the dark, but do you also happen to be on the spectrum? (I have nothing to base this on expect my theory that overclarification could be more common among neurodivergent people)
Edit: ellipsis -> ellipses