•Why is music so loud in restaurants? (Serious)
6 months ago- Create environment actively hostile to remain in for long periods of time
- Expect people to work and be productive in said environment for hours on end
When i figure out what gen a’s ‘funny’ synonym is I’ll update the list
I’m a lmaoer myself but i can throw in a lol depending on who I’m talking to.
For me its moreso about what the older gens won’t use than what the younger ones will
My general metric:
Hahaha = gen x
Lol = older millenial
Lmao = younger millenial
💀 = Gen z
Plus you can tell it was written by a real person because ai would have used proper sentence structure.
I’d been grasping for literally any alternative to Reddit for months and heard about this place when they shut down third party apps. Haven’t thought about going back even once…