Is this why Apple is finally going to increase the base amount of ram in their laptops😂
Is this why Apple is finally going to increase the base amount of ram in their laptops😂
I hate fandom so much. Their site is very annoying on mobile.
My biggest concern with graphene is that I don’t really trust that my apps will work on it.
I haven’t looked into it for years, but I do need to use apps like Microsoftone drive, WeChat, banks, etc.
Even if they work I’m concerned that they will see I’m on some modified OS and block my account.
I think you meant minetest with a Minecraft mod.
I’m excited for a risc-v future.
It’s pretty crazy how my wife’s m1 air does. It’s the most powerful computer in our house and that’s saying something. As I have a somewhat recent computers.
I’m picking up an air once the base air has 16gb ram and 512 storage. Hopefully the next model will finally make this change.
Before anyone comments that 8gb is enough. I’m regularly using 10-11gb of ram while working in windows.
Masturbating on a plane.
This is my thought as well. Even if things go well this time, who’s to say they will not feel entitled to come back. Maybe with or without your knowledge.
I’d send them away otherwise I might start getting a regular visitor to my house asking for stuff.
In public, I’m happy to give money or food.
I think computing like this is cool, but I’m a glasses wearer when you have an astigmatism, it can be difficult to switch between lenses or adjust to new ones.
I’d be 0 astigmatism people have this.
Sorry, I should have elaborated.
The laws are strict and would hold doctors liable in some places. There was an instance where a woman needed some pain killer but the doctor wouldn’t prescribe it because it could cause the termination of a fetus.
When the lady told the doctor she wasn’t pregnant, he told her that she could become pregnant.
I know that’s an extreme example, but it is an example.
Another is that abortions in the case of rape might be illegal in some places and traveling out of state to a place where about is legal is also illegal.
It’s also illegal in some places to knowing help a person get to a place where it’s legal to get an abortion.
I’m not in expert in the subject, and the law varies by state so it gets confusing.
My wife and I do not live in the US and don’t plan to return, so we have not followed it closely.
Oh, I think there was also an issue of cops or the government possibly buying the data from period tracking apps, but I’m not sure about that.
Some states have pretty strict laws regarding abortions.
I assume that this is what the person is referring to.
That’s a cool feature. I doubt the app would offer this as they probably do not want to allow the notifications to be turned off.
This one needs to be illegal.
Apps that you need push notifications turned on for, but also serve ads.
For example, where I live the company that does riding sharing also does all kinds of deliveries. I get notifications about all kinds of restaurant deals.
The version of Amazon we have sends all kinds of unwanted messages from sellers if you add an item from their shop to your cart. It can be turned off, but it needs to be done one by one manually.
Even the mobile wallet apps that we use here send all kinds of ads.
Like, I need notifications about payments and that is it. Stop giving me full screen popup ads each time I open the app to make a payment. It just slows me down and frustrates me.
None of the characters were particularly interesting or like able.
I tried, but I could not get into that show.
What show is that from?
If you can use windows, then you can use Linux. The effort of switching is not really any different than the effort of switching to Mac.
I’ve never had an issue with settings stuff except for maybe a super old game like fallout 1, but I expect windows would have the same issue.
But you are right about anti-cheat stuff. Luckily I don’t care about online gaming.
This is it for me. I absolutely love kids, but everything is so expensive. Having kids would be a big risk as things could quickly become very difficult is there was an emergency.
Sounds like songs from the game “The Messenger”.
Great game and great music.