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Bad is too subjective a term for it to be a useful descriptor. Cut yourself some slack. We don’t life in a just universe, there is no supernatural force making sure “bad” people get what they “deserve.”
Good things happen to bad people, bad things happen to good. Good things happen to good people, bad things happen to bad. The universe is random.
Cut yourself some slack.
Your “gubment bad” position is reactionary. Your inability or unwillingness to understand how an AI generated image of a naked body with a minor’s likeness superimposed on top of it is CSAM is telling of your true motivation. You are the type of person who reads 1984 and can’t do anything but identify with the main character, completely ignoring how dispicable and low that character is. The state is by no means perfect but its a whole lot better than the bullshit you are peddling. Eat Shit and die pedo apologist.
Go back to Q-an0n Diddler.
I’ll tell you h’wat.
You first
Imagine whatever you want.
Your example is a complex number. An irrational number would be Pi or sqrt(5)
God is a 3 letter word created for stupid people to think they have the whole fucking universe wrapped up in a neet little package inside their heads.
Same here friend. But they were lies Their parents told them and so on and so on so it’s understandable how they thought they were doing the right thing.
A mannequin