Clearly I missed that video. Thanks for letting me know! That makes his views and attitudes make a little more sense.
(I also didn’t mean socially awkward as an insult or anything, I certainly have no room to talk)
Just a guy. Just a fella.
Clearly I missed that video. Thanks for letting me know! That makes his views and attitudes make a little more sense.
(I also didn’t mean socially awkward as an insult or anything, I certainly have no room to talk)
I tend to like him and the things he has to say. I like that he helps consumers be more conscious of the things they buy, and cautions against companies with bad practices (such as those that are closed sourced, or lock basic features behind paywalls, etc).
He strikes me as a little socially awkward himself, and maybe that manifests as his rage at some of these companies and situations; he could stand to take a breath every now and then. I really enjoyed his breakdown of the Honey scam and LTT.
I immediately think of the episode where Butters returns home to fix his anger issues, only for him to be angry about Ben Affleck the whole time. Can’t recall any other Hawaii-centric episodes. I love South Park.
culture shock of seeing China having solved all necessities of a civilized society
Except for basic human rights concepts like freedom of speech, right?
Worked as the tech person for an office supply store in the US.
Regular (annoying) customer comes in with his desktop and printer in a cart asking for us to “verify the connections between his printer and computer”, because it wasn’t working.
Hook it all up to our work bench. It was a Win7 machine or something. Before I could navigate it, he urges me out of the way so he could show me what was wrong.
He opens chrome. You know how browsers will ask you to restore tabs when they close improperly? He clicked that option when it pops up. The first thing I see is a movie streaming site that’s in Russian with porn ads everywhere. Just raw dogging it.
He closes that tab to reveal an image of a naked child on the next tab. He closes that tab, and there’s another one.
I don’t really remember what I did, but in hindsight I wish I had called the police. I think he just ended up leaving the store with his stuff after that, but I learned months later that he came back in to use our self-service copiers and had more pictures, and our store manager threatened him and kicked him out.
The menu one is specifically so restaurants don’t get sued when they accidentally serve you raw products or food you’re allergic to.
I suppose that makes us litigious, which is pretty weird and sad.
Great write up, and I’m glad you were able to recover most of your servers after this incident.
I was a Crocs hater for the longest time. Finally I needed some new shoes for doing tasks outside (gardening, etc) and on a whim got some Crocs. They’re pretty comfy and very convenient to slip on real fast to go outside.
Oil-absorbing paper
Sometimes I’ll get so oily, I fear the United States is about to launch an invasion on me. Do you have a brand or kind you recommend? Those might benefit me.
Hello, me. Complete with the triple tap check…
Honestly, a very useful skill to learn. Thanks for the pitch!
Damn, maybe I need a pair. I have the same habit, including picking at nails. I always end up with a really shitty hangnail or bit of skin that stings.
Burt’s Bees is definitely the best!
Pretty standard stuff here.
I used to rock Cirkul 4 or 5 years ago but the last few flavors I tried tasted waaaay too artificial to me. I liked it pretty good until that point.
Who knew EDC could be so… Aesthetic! Thanks for sharing that link too, probably should have looked for that community before posting. But I like giving people a chance to talk about themselves a little. :)
I see we have an EDC enthusiast in the house ;)
You reminded me that I’ve been needing to do up a car-trunk-kit, and this has given me some good ideas to boot. Thanks for sharing!
Slim Fold Micro
I hadn’t heard of this company before, these look awesome, and just what I may be looking for! I presume by your hyperlink that your experience has been positive?
Can’t forget your ghosts, if only because they won’t let you forget.
If you don’t mind me asking, do you get any mileage out of the Rabbit R1?
This would be mine too. Mainly so I can feel like I’m sending messages telepathically.