1 year agoI had Neatos for years. They worked great until they didn’t; I always had to do a lot of troubleshooting. Now I have a Wyze vacuum, which I think is a rebrand of a larger Chinese brand. It doesn’t clean as well as the Neatos, but it’s had no problems so far, and it was much cheaper.
There’s plenty of reviews out there if you want to get into it, and it does seem like some of the more expensive ones out there have some really nice features. But if you’ve been on the fence for a while my advice is to pick a well reviewed affordable one and go for it.
Once you have something cleaning your floors you’ll have more time to research which one is the ultimate vacuum.
I’ve gotten some good deals on lightly used 24" dishwashers. I’ve never seen an 18" come up, though I’m sure they’re out there. I think I paid about 50% of MSRP on my current one that has been very good to me.
I see lots of people saying there are plenty of 18"s, and I’m sure that’s true if you buy them new. I guess I just wanted to agree with you and share my experience.