•This still baffles me, but I guess it's good for federation?
1 year agoI would if I could.
I would if I could.
Save face? You wouldn’t need to… You get fired for doing shit like that.
I’m not saying “there’s no need to do it”, more if you’re in a panel and you haven’t checked for dead then when people are standing in the dock explaining to a judge why you ended up crispy they’ll be saying its your own fault.
If the guy working inside the meter doesn’t test for dead, lock out and tag out… He has no business working in there in the first place.
Regardless of what has or hasn’t happened… I really want to know what the hell congress were on about when talking of “crashed UAP’s with “biologics”” - what fucking biologics? Human test pilots? Funky new biological components? Aliens?!
I hate that it’s all cloak and dagger… Just fucking spill the beans about what the hell you’re on about damn it!