goddamn. how close was it?
goddamn. how close was it?
exercises that target weight loss in specific areas dont exist. your body has a genetic predisposition in regards to where it allocates fat. eat a bit healthier, eat a bit less, exercise regularly and your body will do its best with what you give it, every day
if you write “could of” i will follow you around the internet and cyberbully you
I disagree that people should be left to educate themselves in isolated communities. What happens when our communities clash on important issues? Instead we should agree on what should be taught in schools and work on regulating it and making it self-improving.
I agree that bureucacy and corruption will inevitably have an impact, but whichever way I think about it, not caring as much for your stranger man as for your family or friends is what allows the mind-rape in the long run, and that makes it necessary for us to globally educate people on at least that, so we don’t end up where we are now.
you’re grasping at something deeper here. humans have an underlying tendency to be gullible and easily manipulateable. we need to pour funds and funds into the education system and move more focus onto critical thinking, logical fallacies and self-esteem / self-image, as it plays a large role in calling out injustices and building an accurate world view
imo its the no. 1 reason the world is so fucked. we believe evrything we’re told because it appeals to a sense of self-empowerment (our tribe over theirs). hunter gatherer tribes would sometimes literally slaughter each other to survive. it is in our instincts to be able to be convinced that other groups of people are our enemies, when really everyone thinking the exact opposite would be heaven on earth, except for the ultra greedy
it seems if you can’t conform to other people’s ideals of how you should be, don’t try and instead try something else. you may find the answer elsewgere