Can prolly get high of indirectly smoking. Second hand smoke like hot boxing. If you don’t want to inhale then maybe a different way to ingest cannabis. Edibles or hash cakes.
Is it to do with lungs ?
Can prolly get high of indirectly smoking. Second hand smoke like hot boxing. If you don’t want to inhale then maybe a different way to ingest cannabis. Edibles or hash cakes.
Is it to do with lungs ?
We do this with the dog. He refuses to move. He needs to go out and then coerced upstairs to bed. It’s a real hassle. So whoever is last has to deal with it. I’ll leave a show halfway through just so I don’t have to deal with him. Spoiled diva
Literal not a thing in most countries I have ever been too. Is it purely an American thing ? Do other countries have this ?
So you are a child. Good to know. You haven’t experienced decades of adult life. Impossible to compare. Your opinion matters but so does others that have decades of research. Schooling is likely the best it’s been in thousands of years. Do you get beaten ?
Are you a child ?
Children should be children. They shouldn’t need to earn an income. Education and fun should be a priority. Have the rest of their lives to be miserable
I was clearing out my Hotmail. I’ve a Msc in health psych. Well over 1k in reject emails. I may have a rival
Gonna need to dumb it down for me.
I’m not educated enough in the different types of governing or whatever this is in regards to. Sorry
Funny thing is. If we all did things collectively we’d have a fully functional society.
We obviously don’t.
So instead most people say fuck it. I don’t care and do what they want. This we get fragmentation until the end of time.
If we all just said nope. Not doing that until you implement this. Someone does it and we all benefit.
Everyone on here always has excuses. It’s easier it’s this it’s that. We therefore get stuck in a feedback loop of nothing changes. Just different variations of the same old thing.
In what world is it immoral? Where do your morals stem fom ? A child’s book ?.
Wearables Hearables Mi band
Small cities where I live
Yeah that makes sense. But that’s a job tool. I would expect to have the tools required for my job. But an everyday item. I wouldn’t need one.
Both replies have been box opening which I’ve never needed outside of my house which has knives and scissors.
I go bag would be a different story and so I could see a use for it there. I just got given one by work so now I have one in the car
I would have a knife in my house for a box and screwdriver in car. But fair enough. I just never saw a use for it. Good that you use it regularly enough to have one
I get that. I’m just curious what you’d use it for. Just a standard day.
Most places I’ve lived you can’t just stoat about with a knife. What would you use it for ?
Absolutely. Nothing should be above the rest. And we should know exactly what they are lobbying for “bribing”
Kill google
This is where I thought the future was…
Fuck printing random bots of plastic. Causing more pollution.
Printing food. Add the components and it prints cakes layer by layer. Any food.
Add apple and print an apple. Print anything. Hopefully we get new research into printing meat layer by layer.
Food should be far cheaper than it is. Suppliers don’t want to flood the market as they need to get a set price for their commodity. Yet we have dairy farmers killing off steers that could be given to poor communities.
Same issue with everything. Food is not finite.