The first time I played it I completely missed that I could pick a class. I just kept getting Soldier and not having any fun.
The first time I played it I completely missed that I could pick a class. I just kept getting Soldier and not having any fun.
Firefox user in Canada here. The last few weeks ads would try to load, but nothing would play. If I refreshed the page the video played as normal.
The last few days I’ve had no issues at all.
Cannibalism isnt uncommon in the wild. With us humans it’s extra dangerous because we’re so salty it can mess with your brain.
Guitar Pro has a native App for Android and iOS. lets you sync mp3s to those tabs too.
Plexamp is free now. Just use that.
Remedy is currently remaking Max Payne
For a fictional world check out Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
I fell for this trap and it made my depression 10x worse.
Ignoring your problems is not a solution.
Only janky solution I know of is to use a Raspberry Pi (or other computer) to run Kodi or Android TV. You can then point your TV’s DNS to a PiHole or other DNS filter to stop tracking/ads. still works for me most of the time. Occasionally it’ll fail to load any videos, but usually it’s fine.
I’m boycotting them because they haven’t made a good game in about 20 years.
This is what being left handed is like.
Apple. I wouldn’t use their products if they were free.
Roblox. As a parent, I’m not about to support a casino for kids. As a hobbyist game developer, I won’t support their exploitation of developers either.
Lotteries. Im not against gambling in general, but I sure am against emotional manipulation, and taking advantage of those who don’t understand math.
Pepsi, Proctor and Gamble, and Nestle. Three of the largest corporations on Earth that control over half of the brands you buy.
So everyone has corns?
Everytime you open a door it moans with pleasure.
No. If anything I’d edit my post to better reflect what I was trying to communicate.
We have a Home Movie of me at 3 years old playing Tetris on my cousin’s Gameboy. I don’t remember a time that video games weren’t a part of my life.
The first game I remember realy clicking for me was Donkey Kong Country. I can still play that game off muscle memory alone.
Physics Videos by Eugene Khutoryansky
Not really a small YouTuber with just under 1 mill subs, but he’s a good example of someone just doing their own thing. Super bizarre videos, but incredibly well made at the same time.
Find where the cellular antenna is, and cover it with a rudimentary faraday cage.