Someone burned down the portable houses in the back used for extra classrooms
Someone burned down the portable houses in the back used for extra classrooms
You weren’t kidding! It never doesn’t surprise me how long some of these projects are maintained
What email client do you use? I’ve been unhappy with Thunderbird but haven’t looked too hard at replacements yet
6 #2 lmao
I really enjoyed watching it with some friends. I’m not usually a fan of musicals, but most of the songs were good and paced well enough I actually looked forward to them
I had it tell me a certain product had a feature it didn’t and then cite a website that was hosting a copy of the user manual… that didn’t mention said feature. Having it cite sources makes it way easier to double check if it’s spewing bullshit though
Probably my 2012 hybrid Intel/Nvidia graphics played a part if I was guessing
Having lived this, I would be inclined to agree
That will be sim unlocked