PS5 runs an x64 AMD CPU and GPU, meaning it really shouldn’t take much to emulate. Modern game systems are just customized desktop PCs, unlike systems like the PS3 which had very specialized hardware that’s notoriously difficult to emulate
PS5 runs an x64 AMD CPU and GPU, meaning it really shouldn’t take much to emulate. Modern game systems are just customized desktop PCs, unlike systems like the PS3 which had very specialized hardware that’s notoriously difficult to emulate
That’s fair, although I think that depends a lot on the type of car you drive. There’s an option to tell Maps what type of car you drive (electric, hybrid, or gas), which will change the results, because cars with regenerative breaking often get better “city” milage than “highway” milage.
It also probably depends on factors like how aerodynamic your vehicle is, because it makes a huge difference above ~50mph (air resistance/drag increases exponentially with speed)
It does indicate the “fuel efficient” route pretty clearly though, and always gives multiple other options including the quickest one that isn’t as efficient. If this is what’s causing the issue, OP just needs to look closer at what’s on their screen.
It’s pretty hard though. Without mass, everything travels at the speed of light and doesn’t experience the flow of time, which don’t really mesh well with classical physics (or quantum mechanics, and definitely not relativity).
One thing to keep in mind: if someone gave you a 5.25" floppy disk with this type of data on it, even if the data was perfectly readable, would you have any way to do it? You’d need to hunt down someone whos into retro technology and hope you can figure out how to decode the information. The format itself became obsolete, so even if the data would theoretically be accessible, the means to access said data may not be.
Point is, what are the chances that CD drives will be around in hundreds of years outside of a museum or personal collection? They’re already becoming more and more uncommon after only a couple decades. But there really isn’t a great solution to this, especially when it comes to video, because you can’t just print it out.
Side note, are you sure that CD Golds are more durable than M-Disk?
Pretty much every food regulatory agency in the world has deemed aspartame safe. There were some worrying studies all the way back in the '70’s, but those were almost certainly bogus due to conflicts of interest with the sugar industry. It’s just as safe as MSG, which I personally believe people get so worked up over just because it has a “scary-sounding” chemical name.
That setup is probably perfectly adequate. You can configure the OS to set the MicroSD to read-only mode, which would decrease the chance of corruption to near zero. According to this page:
Just run sudo raspi-config
from the terminal then go into “Performance Options” and select “Enable/disable read-only file system”. You can do that again to enable writes if you ever need to change a config option or update the software.
These are pretty interesting. It seems to listen to race requests, but didnt seem to pay much attention to “gay” or “straight”. It just straight up rendered a thruple for one of them.
Side note, the “American couple” one is absolutely hilarious because it’s so over exaggerated.
As long as the “ROM” isn’t actually an executable file (such as a .exe), you should be safe. Some shady websites will tell you that you’re downloading a ROM, but are really downloading a malware installer, so you have to watch out. But as long as you’re downloading an actual ROM file (the type of file is different for each console, but Google says that most PS2 ROMs should be a .ISO file), you’re probably fine.
Disclaimer: there is always a risk when pirating files. Make sure you use an ad blocker and don’t accidentally click on any fake download links.
You will need a bank account to do pretty much anything in adult life. So, I would recommend opening an account at a local credit union. Credit unions are small and owned by their members, so they won’t sell your info to anyone or send you ads. There are many other pros to using a credit union instead of a large bank, but privacy is a big one.
The number is displayed on the instance the post is on, so it doesn’t matter which instance you view it from (or if you’re not logged in at all), the number is calculated from the active users who are members of the instance you’re viewing.
Looks like they’re federated again, as of the update 10 minutes ago.
That’s what I thought too, but this system doesn’t actually use salt water. It uses a membrane that’s filled with lithium bromide (a “salt” in the chemical sense of the word), which absorbs moisture from the air while the computer is off and then is able to slowly “sweat” the moisture away while the computer is running. They say it can run for about 6.5 hours before needing to be recharged.
This is pretty cool for data centers which use massive amounts of power to keep everything cool, because it’s passive and doesn’t use any extra energy for fans or water pumps or anything. It really isn’t all that great for consumer PCs though, because it’s a lot easier to deal with waste heat.
The Bitcoin thing was a joke about how it uses so much CPU/GPU, it almost feels as if he’s mining crypto for Daddy Gaben.
His actual complaint is that the shaders seem to get recompiled on every game launch, which takes forever, instead of just re-using the ones it compiled previously.
Holy crap! I never would have known it started out in that bad condition. You could barely tell it was a house! Amazing work.
I’m curious though, this seems very bit for what I imagine when I hear “mobile home”. Just how big is the house and how exactly would you go about moving it?
I see an outlet above the left of the door. Have you tested to see if the switch controls that outlet? Maybe something plugged in there long ago
Likely because editing on desktop is much more common and so gets the majority of the focus. A comprehensive photo editor for a mobile platform is probably just too niche to attract enough developer interest
What Java version do you have? They switched to a much newer version of Java at some point, maybe the old versions of Minecraft are trying to use the new Java and flipping out?
This is literally just a type of NFC. The same type of thing that’s used whenever you scan your credit card or use an Amiibo. It is interesting that it doesn’t use RFID standards, but conceptually it’s the same idea of an ultra-low-power chip with an antenna with the only purpose being to transmit a few bytes of data when scanned.
It boils down to chemistry. The nickle-metal-hydride chemistry used in rechargeable batteries just don’t produce 1.5V (explaining why is a lot more complicated), while the alkaline chemistry in non-rechargable batteries produces slightly more volts.In the same vein, lithium-ion batteries produce around 3.6V, while lead-acid produce about 12.4V.
To answer your other question, they should be able to power most things that aren’t an analog clock (which might run slightly slow).