Oddly, I hated Batfleck in the Joostice League but loved him in the Snyder Cut. He was so much more badass in the Snyder Cut.
Oddly, I hated Batfleck in the Joostice League but loved him in the Snyder Cut. He was so much more badass in the Snyder Cut.
Joe Rogan will pick this up he’s that stupid.
Titanic. Saw it 4 times in the theater.
I actually wondered if it was going to sink the first time I watched it. Movie is so well made you didn’t even realize what’s going to happen until it does.
Deleted my account on Reddit and never went fuck. Fuck Reddit and fuck Spez.
It never really left… arrrrr.
I still use, ‘like white on rice on a paper plate in a snowstorm’ in normal conversation. Love that movie.
Agreed. It also didn’t help that the Joostice League was terrible and Batfleck tried to be funny vs dark and serious like he was in the Snyder Cut. That one scene difference I always think of is when he’s in the crawler going up the wall to help Wonder Woman. Joostice League he says ‘i didn’t bring a sword’ in a dad-joke way and Snyder Cut he says, ‘my turn’ super serious and it just fits so damn well. I can watch the Snyder Cut over and over without getting bored. I literally can’t watch Joostice League more than once.