What price range would this fall under in comparison to some of the moderate levels of pen craftmanship?
What price range would this fall under in comparison to some of the moderate levels of pen craftmanship?
This kind of intrigues me. I may give it a shot. What is a good decent pen for say 20 dollars. Smooth, thin line. Say. 5 or so.
I’m in the pen losing crowd. I can’t tell if you guys are serious and I need a more expensive pen or not. 100 dollars is too rich for me though. But this logic sort of makes sense.
Clickers are why my pants and pockets have ink all in them. Twist for life.
OP asking the real questions! Also just ducking glad to see something not news or politics related. My gosh it’s overwhelming today.
Ouch. OK maybe not for me. The size and pocket ability paired with the ability to run Linux us what I want but I haven’t ever had my hands on one to see how ergonomic they are compared to a tablet or small laptop. Thanks for the info. I’ll source other ideas. If you got any feel free.
What about like a win mini 4 where you get the keyboard built in then you don’t need to sit anything down just thumb type. These seem super cool. I don’t understand what a touchpad adds. Other than to mouse scroll. I assume the touchpad is like a laptop.
How would browsing the internet and general phone/PC uses compare to like a Asus ally vs GPD with a little keyboard? Could it replace a phone?
I’ve pretty exclusively gamed on mint for 2 years with very very little issues for the most part its plug and play with the occasional steam compatibility change in settings. Don’t launch from desktop icons it’s buggy. I’ve never had issues with hard drive locations changing or anything like you speak of until I decided to use USB drives for game storage. Definitely don’t do that. Media is fine but games nope it works most of the time but causes a headache. Also don’t plug in a Linux drive to windows it Bork’s them and then you have to command line to repair at least for me. Windows blows. I’m on an all AMD system though which widely helps compatibility.
Change the compatibility version try experimental, or even I think the latest stable is 9.0. See if its runable under wine rather than proton. Try importing the game into lutris or heroic launcher you could have better luck but steam should be fine as I don’t think that’s the issue. You likely have to redownload the games rather than linking the drives due to file format types being different. I’ve used mint and several family members and gaming has been a breeze without much issues. It seems AMD is much more compatible than any Nvidia GPU. Drivers are better and updated more often under mesa than RTX. Let me see if cyberpunk is runable. Nothing should be an issue but a basic web search will tell a lot.
Edit: after research quickly the game has ran just fine since 2020 on steam since proton 5.0. Its buggy with Nvidia drivers but that was years ago. GoG store works under wine which is inside heroic launcher from software center in mint you can import the game but isn’t needed. You can try to use a custom steam command rather than using proton to launch inside steam. Proton is steams default compatibility layer but could need enable for all games. Go in settings check that box to enable for all games, retry. The game does work! Don’t give up. Also don’t aim the game to windows drive. Reinstall on your mint drive rather than just aiming the launcher. Windows does all it can to screw up anything that isn’t windows , verify installed files after download on mint drive and run the game. Perhaps I’ll add more later. Off to work. Hope this helps!!
See score!
While I’m unfamiliar with Arch I am with steam.
Use custom commands to launch! If it’s working just fine on heroic launcher you can actually add the game into your launcher its known to work in like for instance heroic launcher games can be added to steam just do the reverse.
I’d look into the log file which requires a command in steam to see and look what error its throwing that’ll nail it down exactly then you know what to do to fix the issue.
To do this you have to manually add the custom command under your specific game in the steam, game, cog wheel, properties maybe, then you’ll find a tab called commands or something it’s just a single line text box. Add this exactly. PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
The file should go to your home folder somewhere you’ll have to look possibly under steam folder. There’s all kinds of these steam commands online for every issue so if this tells you nothing simply look for steam commands based on your issue and run a few till you nail it down. Best of luck! You can fix this!
FYI AMD is usually rock solid Nvidia is where a lot of issues come in, so its not your hardware so don’t trip on that. All AMD for the win. I have a 6700xt as well so I’m usually spot on with knocking out bugs.
Thanks for the detailed right up. I’m actually thinking of trying a French press now that several of you have taught me the mechanics. Seems a lot better than an old dripper but not so slow like an espresso. I Just thought those were cool because the tiny cup 😂
Wild. That’s kinda intricate coffee for most people is just a simple process and keep moving. Thanks for the knowledge! I appreciate the write up.
So why not use a dripper? I’ve always wanted to get into coffee and want to try an espresso so bad lol
Having a firearm larger than a pistol that is semi auto is very much needed. ARs are no worse than any other hi cap semi auto all the way back to invention of semi autos so if you ban an AR you my as well ban every semi auto. I’ve seen coyotes and wolves in packs corner someone in the woods. Bolt guns just aren’t an option for certain situations. Hate the system causing oppression and the person for doing bad things due to outside factors illness or systemic issues not the tool used. A firearm is a tool nothing more nothing less. Without a user its useless.
Red wing Irish setters.
Hold their value like crazy too even if you don’t like them you likely lose nothing if not very very little.
What’s a French press? I’ve only seen drip pots in my life so I’m completely ignorant to the coffee world.
Mint because shit is easily labelled on the programs and shit just works. Tons of info online.