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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • With the difference that the industrial revolution created a lot of new jobs with better pay. While AI doesn’t. I see people suggesting that this has happened before and soon it will turn the economic situation into something much better. But I don’t see that at all. Just because it’s also a huge revolution, doesn’t mean it will have the same effects.

    As you have written, people will have to switch into manual jobs like layering bricks and wiping butts. The pay in these jobs won’t increase just because more people have to work them.

  • Your fear is in so far justified as that some employers will definitely aim to reduce their workforce by implementing AI workflow.

    When you have worked for the same employer all this time, perhaps you don’t know, but a lot of employers do not give two shits about code quality. They want cheap and fast labour and having less people churning out more is a good thing in their eyes, regardless of (long-term) quality. May sound cynical, but that is my experience.

    My prediction is that the income gap will increase dramatically because good pay will be reserved for the truly exceptional few. While the rest will be confronted with yet another tool capitalists will use to increase profits.

    Maybe very far down the line there is blissful utopia where no one has to work anymore. But between then and now, AI would have to get a lot better. Until then it will be mainly used by corporations to justify hiring less people.

  • I also think these are platitudes. In reality, no one is allowed to be “just themselves”. But changing yourself to be more likeable (especially in social situations) is such a conflicted topic.

    At least in western cultures agreeableness has a bad reputation and is not encouraged in boys, imho. As a girl you are raised to be agreeable and it is called “nice”. I believe men and women have a different understanding what that means because of how we are raised differently.

    In my experience some men seem to think nice means basically to avoid conflict and be especially generous (not necessary in a materialistic way, also offering help etc.).

    While for women it means to be sensible to your partners feelings and plan accordingly.

    These are two notoriously incompatible modi operandi: a “yes man” who hides or doesn’t reflect on his feelings and wishes. And an increasingly controlling woman, constantly guessing and overinterpreting what their partner could possibly “really” be thinking.

    A lot of women would rather choose a partner who is less work. Even when that means he isn’t as generous. Therefore “just be yourself / confident” has a grain of truth in it. Just not in the way people might think. Another truth I had to grow quite old for to understand.