Reading papers and contacting people in that field. I’ve found that university professors can especially direct you to materials in their field, and even like to chat about it sometimes. Half of my book collection was found this way.
Reading papers and contacting people in that field. I’ve found that university professors can especially direct you to materials in their field, and even like to chat about it sometimes. Half of my book collection was found this way.
Bored music teacher in 2200: “and here children, we find the most important contributions to late 20th centure music: a phonograph of Depeche Mode’s Violator.”
Wallet, phone, keys. Everything else i just keep in my car or work van. Whenever i see someone add a gun to their list, i always find it funny. It’s such a silly thing to walk around with
Chapo got banned, checked out, found the “under construction” page with what i think was “call me maybe” as a chiptune playing, and joined a little while after.
My wife saw a charcuterie board and under her breath said “charcussy”. I have been repeating that basically every day to her since.
Proper chef’s knife and vegetable cleaver. Most of my military surplus clothes. A vaccuum sealer. Second hand books. My Traynor YBA-1. Some good boots. There’s definitely stuff i forgot, i don’t really buy items anymore.
I think i was mostly over the wreddit crowd when every thread about Mox vs a njpw dad was filled with “literally who?”. It’s just like, you have the internet. Look him up. It’s not hard. But then again, that could be my low tolerance for complaining, especially from what are supposed to be fans. Granted, nobody wants to see me talk about Nick Bockwinkle vs Mad Dog Vachon or how great W*ING was, so that’s on me.
AEW good? Fed bad.
Fed good? AEW bad.
DAE think that The Bloodline is the greatest wrestling storyline ever?
IMPACT Live thread: 2 comments
Anyone else find it hard to watch NJPW?
Tony Khan wanks dogs
I think i got the gist of this month
Edit: whoops, almost forgot saying weird and creepy things about women wrestlers and endless unfunny quite chains.
The Conquest of Bread
“Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name.”
As long as i am remembered, i exist. While my physical form may be rotting, i will hope that i made as much of an impact in this world as i did to me, and hope that my memory will never fade. It is for that reason that i keep soldiering on, never looking back, and trying to contribute to a better world.
No problem! I’m obviously a bit biased since i’ve been a fan since the late 90s and dabble in the art (i’ve been an off and on pro wrestler since the late 00’s), but i view it as more as an improvisational art than i do a sport. It’s basically live theatre, with the actors and actresses having more to do with ballet then, say, combat sports and mma. It’s actually fascinating to see how professional wrestling had influenced sports as a whole. Muhammed Ali, for example, has cited Gorgeous George as the reason why he would trash talk his opponents. And Conor McGregor, well, he talks like he’s straight out of the WWE. Filthy Tom Lawlor is a guy who basically went from being a pro-wrestling character in the ufc to becoming a full-time pro wrestler. Never mind the fact that there’s been matches where the ring is an entire island, or floating in the pacific with pyrotechnics everywhere, or even more cinematic productions set entirely within a house (or not so cinematically in the case of ddt). All together, though, is it’s an art benched on the back of blood, sweat, and even more blood of its performers. There’s nothing “safe” about pro-wrestling, as even the tiniest mishap could cripple a person, but it’s done through years of training, fitness, and finesse, that it is able to continue.
So, there’s a certain level of suspension of disbelief that has to be done by the audience in order to enjoy the show. The purpose of the wrestlers is to entertain the audience in that state, which can be as simple as chain wrestling (which is only really enjoyed by a certain segment of hardcore fans) or as convoluted as a swanton bomb (which is a flip off the top rope). It’s more vaudeville, but it allows individual wrestlers to better adapt tge story of the match to the emotions in the audience. For example, at wrestlemania x8, hulk hogan was to play the bad guy, and the rock the good guy. The audience, however, sided with Hogan, which caused a decision between the two wrestlers to wrestle in a way that aligned them with the opposite of what they initially entered the match for. It’s understanding audience psychology and being able to adapt on the fly, thus fulfilling the preconceptions of the audience. It’s amazing to watch to skilled workers be able to manipulate the audience to their advantage, but even more incredible to see the audience force the workers to change their direction mid-match.
There’s about 25 blimps in the world, and only 40-50 pilots.
“Hey, you like Rob Zombie movies?” (We have been together for 7 years now.)