This is a creepy pic lmao nice
Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.
This is a creepy pic lmao nice
yea its just using the word sustain when removing something non-renewable makes me chuckle
I love how that’s tagged “sustainable mining” as if mining anything can actually be sustainable.
I’ve actively told any friend that send me a voice note that if you want me to respond to you don’t send it as a voice note, I won’t listen to it. It requires me to put headphones in or play it on speaker, and neither of those are happening unless it’s important.
hard agree, voice messages are the worst of both worlds, you can’t look at it and get the gist of what’s said, and you have to deal with listening to it, while requiring more bandwidth to use.
I’ve told my friends instead of pressing the voice button, just press the speech to text button, I’m more likely to read a wall of text than listen to a voice message.
Crunchyroll has a comment section? I had seem ratings but never looked at the comments
Very true, I was meaning more from a users standpoint, they spend money on the posts for people to see it, if everyone leaves they won’t spend money on it, and what little advertisers they have left will bail or lower what they are willing to pay as well.
I really do think his end goal is just a full shutdown, but he wants to do it a little at a time because if he just nukes it, one he’s out a lot of money
I hard disagree with that actually, there are a lot of people on the platform that Karma dive and intentionally try to do post that will up their interaction. But if you remove those systems then they’re not going to care about the platform anymore. Not that those people are adding good content to the platform in the first place but they will leave the platform to find other areas due to this change
how the hell are they going to judge engagement, like that’s the number one thing most of their user base wants is the ability to feel special and popular
Yeah I get that, but the primary one that I use it for has stated that he doesn’t want to have to learn a new platform and that if his Twitter ever died he’s not going to learn another platform. I would rather have updates on a shitty platform then no updates at all. Of course that’s also under the assumption that everybody left the platform as well because me alone leaving wouldn’t do anything
I really thought they got rid of that future, you know after the absolute dumpster fire it’s launch was, like it doesn’t look good when your launch stream is buggy and barely runs
I exclusively use it because content creators I follow are stubborn and won’t leave the platform. I regret every time I’m forced to open it because it’s mostly spam now, but they won’t go elsewhere
Xtra was one of them I used to use, but they have a bunch of different ad blocks that do it too now. Multistream services do it as well
not for YouTube but there is for twitch yea
I fully agree that the author is being super disingenuous here. However, I don’t think Amazon is fully shuttering the program because they’ve stated they’re switching it over to a cart-based system which is already been proven to be successful in the trade and doesn’t include the high ceiling requirements, their biggest issue is adoption from other retailers, and switching over to that system will lower the ceiling(no pun intended) for entry
Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like this article isn’t being completely honest with us.
The article is phrasing in a way as if Amazon has given up on the technology altogether, but then the article talks about how they are moving directions to be still based off the camera model just using a closer up cart style camera instead of a camera everywhere Style
These smart carts are equipped with scales and sensors to track spending in real time and, of course, allow consumers to skip the checkout.
This sounds less of a walking out on the technology as a whole as the title implies, and more geared towards we have a better technology available. I think this is either disingenuous reporting or are trying to gear it in a way that makes it look like Amazon is being pro privacy when in reality the same exact system is going to be in place, it’s just the camera is going to be part of the cart instead of cross the entire store, which has proven to be a large bottleneck for them and getting other retailers adopting it due to the high ceiling requirement
This of course is ignoring what other commenters have stated about the fact that this is literally how training models work, you tell it what to look for and then eventually you have a large enough training set to be able to have it do it on its own. It’s not as if those 1,000 people are ringing out the groceries, they are more so assisting the technology by marking what is a product versus what is not a product, a process which that they have already downsized a few times from their initial Staffing requirements
Personally I don’t think you improved things either way. At best it came off as a humorous jab at the person, but honestly it leaned more towards super snarky from my perspective. The only thing you’ve done is potentially discourage the person from commenting period next time. That likely wasn’t your intent but, that’s how it read for me.
yes that was what he was doing was selling Hardware mod chips that you could hook to it to be able to run custom firmware which allowed you to pirate games, the issue stemmed from how they were advertising the project. They weren’t advertising the project as a run your own custom firmware/ backup solution, they were selling the product with the intent that it was being used to pirate
regional pricing is the phrase you are looking for friend!
I disagree with selling pirated roms but, he also wasn’t part of the development team he was closer to a sales associate then anything. the punishment given to him was cruel and unusable and honestly a failure of the legal system.
I see this on the same level as forcing a sales associate at Walmart to pay the fine of all the wage violations the company as a whole did. It’s rediculous.
I personally will never be buying a Nintendo product again out of principle.
wasn’t in the US New England area either, we have consumer protections that block that type of fraud here.