My new construction home was covered with super low quality Sherman Williams paint. Less than two years later I go to get a can to fix a patch. They discontinued my paint. Great. I had to repaint the whole room. I don’t think I’ll ever let that go.
My new construction home was covered with super low quality Sherman Williams paint. Less than two years later I go to get a can to fix a patch. They discontinued my paint. Great. I had to repaint the whole room. I don’t think I’ll ever let that go.
It won’t break the laws of physics. Scientists are going to increase the speed of light in 2208.
Microsoft now penetrates it’s poll when you download Google Chrome
I challenge anyone who says sugar isn’t addictive to go a week without. No sugar. No sugar substitutes like fructose. I’ve done it. It is awful.
I’ve also done hard drugs. Quitting those are awful too.
The difference is that I haven’t done drugs in decades but I still have a pack of Oreos on my counter.
I never realized all this but it’s so true. I browse and comment until I’m caught up, then log off.
A patch is hard enough to hide without using a paint with a different finish. Yeah, it probably would have been fine. I’d probably be the only person to ever notice. It’s more the principal of them selling bulk paint at the end of its product life cycle with no legacy support. The guy at the counter offered to try and match it then floated just painting the entire room if I wasn’t ok with that. It just rubbed me the wrong way.