That’s the main reason we adopted it, best choice we ever made.
That’s the main reason we adopted it, best choice we ever made.
I’d highly suggest it. The winter solstice is a very refreshing take on the holiday season. Gifts aren’t expected, we mostly just give socks, or warm blankets. Everyone in the house has a drawstring bag associated with the holiday and we put the socks and maybe candies in them too be opened after dinner on solstice night. Bigger gifts aren’t frowned upon, but they have to be something meaningful and ideally with some level of hand made. This last year my spouse gave me 5 pairs of socks that she tyedyed herself and I gave her a dinosaur shaped coathook and plack for her backpack to hang on.
“Does this have anything to do with me?”
Most cases, the answer is no and I simply have to not care about it.
I celebrate the solstice in both the summer and winter.
The winter solstice is a celebration of the family of hearth and home. A quite and intimate celebration within your household where you exchange handmade gifts with the goal of improving the lives of those around you.
The summer solstice is a celebration of the family of the trail, those you pick up along the way who come to mean more than a passing fondness. This is celebrated as a large bonfire where everyone brings food or drink for theirs and two more and are encouraged to invite someone they’d like to know better than they already do. The goal is to meet others and celebrate life.
Arlo Guthree’s Alice’s Restaurant has you covered. I play it every Thanksgiving.
Instantly! I’m already drooling at the door of every meat lab hoping for the day I can get perfect texture meats from any possibly creature to potentially cook with. Imagine the possibilities! Fried dodo, elephant steak, shark kabob, all without the moral, ethical, or biological risks that come with consuming extinct animals, sapient beings, or super predators. The culinary world will never be more shook!
He’s got a far better grasp on career and financial stability but he’s to nervous to do things like drive in the big city or see doctors about mental health. He’s amazing with computers but not great with mechanical things.
I on the other hand suck with computers and am excellent with mechanical things. I put a lot of effort into self improvement and mental health, but still float around jobs and only have a stable homelife because of my spouse. I’d like to say all the DIY stuff I got growing up helped with that, but most of them were shit quality and the ones that didn’t break got absorbed into my dad’s things anyway. My diy skills come exclusively from living with a moto of “well fine, I’ll just do it myself”
Oh fuck i have a long history of this…
My parents got me a cheap set of tools, pliers, screw drivers, level and a wood burner with no wood to burn at 10. My brother got a gameboy SP and Pokémon.
Two years later I got an electric shaver and Cologne. I didn’t start growing facial hair until 17 and didn’t have enough to need more than one pass with a razor until 26. Still have the Cologne, it’s not awful but it’s also not a smell that works for me.
14 I got a store made cake and $20. I can’t eat the cake, the frosting makes my face hurt and that’s been a problem since I was 5 so they know I can’t eat the cake.
Basically, I didn’t get a present for me until I met my wife at 30.
I suppose that’d be easier than free climbing with two rods, though you wouldn’t really need the full ladder for it.
We played it as the rogue would destroy the box in returning to normal size, but they take damage equal to the boxes health before it explodes.
My favorite situations were her getting trapped in a floor safe for an entire fight because the bandit immediately locked up the pretty stone, her erupting out of the pocket of a maid being interrogated for stealing from the Lord, and her exploding from a coin purse on a Duke nearly a county over because the he picked her up while leaving the bank instead of while entering.
That’s an idea, but the rods had 4 rungs between them that were just wood so they were about 6ft apart. They had used it by setting the bottom, having someone tall put the middle at full length away, then have that person climb up and balance on the top rung to then set the next one at full length. It often led to hilarious critical fails on the balance checks.
I’m genuinely surprised no one thought to hold them in place with a 10ft pole, that’s d&d 101 right there.
Here’s few of my goofy items over the years.
Lantern of in-sight: causes any object or entity you’re aware of and can keep a direct line of sight on to glow as bright as a non magical lantern. The lantern itself does not produce light. Had a player use it to highlight someone hiding in a crowd when the party failed to see them.
Jewel of Becoming: when activated the player became a gemstone for 1d6 hours. The rogue ended up exploiting this heavily by becoming a jewel and either having another player sell her or just being in the path of someone. Once she turned back she’d rob them blind and sneak out back to the party.
Immovable ladder: it was a rope ladder but the rungs in the middle and either end were immovable rods. This one the artificer cobbled together in game and I allowed for it. They spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to use it for more than a reliable way down from a second floor but never did manage anything wild. They couldn’t even really use it to go up because someone would still and go climb up there to set the top rod.
Maxwell’s Morning Tonic: a bitter, dark, and slightly oily potion that when drank, counts as a short rest or turns a short rest into a long rest. It also gives you a -1d6 to hit and sleight of hand. It’s just a strong coffee.
Welly tin.
They’re those cute tins filled with themed bandaids you can get at Walmart. Normally they’re brightly colored and targeted to small kids. Not only are they pretty good fabric bandaids but the tin is really reliable as a homemade med pack for camping. Small, light, brightly colored, and stupidly durable. Had mine in my bag for about 5 years now and it hadn’t even dented.
You can get butane and arc lighter inserts for zippo shells. I’ve had the arc lighter for going on 3 years, I’ve only had to charge it 5 times, it’s gone through the wash twice now and it’s still working great.
Bought my best friend the butane one the same time. She’s a heavy smoker, not only is it her conversion starter but apparently it’s been cheaper than buying bics.
My nvidia is of but still kicking, I’ll have to give this a try too.
Here you go.
An arch lighter version of a zippo. It fits in traditional zippo cases so I have a collection of shells that I change out to fit the mood. The current one is matte black with a cthulhu theme in brass but normally I use the mercury glass with bones and flowers. My wife calls it my zappo.
Also the severed finger of an elf.
Honestly, I’ve long since given up on finding a Cardigan for less than $100 outside the women’s section. Fortunately I’ve never been above wearing women’s clothing.
This. Everywhere I go it’s like 1:5 men’s to women’s and the only fashion styles you can pick from are “my church let’s us dress casual”, “9-5 at the law office”, or “I cosplay as a meth dealer”
Jack off Jill - Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers
Abney Park - Lost Horizons
Polkadot Cadaver - Purgatory Dance Party
Morcheeba - Parts of the Process