Which is stupid, since unisex bathrooms already exist. It shouldn’t be hard to install those in every single new building everywhere.
I’m a filthy fucking socialist.
Which is stupid, since unisex bathrooms already exist. It shouldn’t be hard to install those in every single new building everywhere.
As well as a massive car-centric society. I can’t even walk to Jack in the Box at 10pm to get a shit burger, but I can drive thru with a car. That’s part of the problem.
If you make something easier to do, it’s more likely to be done. This is why gun control is needed, make it harder to get a gun, less gun death; snacks at the checkout means more buying of snacks; driveways and parking lots and drive thrus mean more car use.
All of journalism? Um. No.
A problem one does to themselves.
Because they think the government is the problem with healthcare, not for-profit corporations.
Taxes are the subscription.
While not a direct answer to your question, I want to provide this
Was ready to jump ship from Reddit before the API changes were to come in full effect.
Joined Lemmy after I heard about it and saw Jeroba worked well on my phone.
Completely switched over once ‘Reddit is Fun’ stopped working.
People sitting next to you should smell you, not people across the room.
“Smell should be discovered, not announced.” Some of the best advice I’ve learned.
Shit looks fire!
Woah, fuck that job with a rusty pineapple.
I said what I said.
Lol, oops. 3 times a week
Try to hit the gym at least 3 times a day week. Daily if you can, even if it just means a light “spa” day.
I’m sorry, what? Elaborate for curiosity!
So what is their mainstream? You like it for the style right?
Porcupines make adorable sounds: https://youtu.be/NMeuwYvlBI0
This is all that’s necessary.
Hopefully more states start to heavily push the Alternative or Ranked Choice voting systems.
Gender neutral bathrooms are great anyway. We don’t actually need gendered shit receptacles.