Oh, I didnt knew enough about SPD. I see.
The left seems like the most important choice. I hope they will be heared
Oh, I didnt knew enough about SPD. I see.
The left seems like the most important choice. I hope they will be heared
If you mean the AfD which are actual Nazis, they never had power yet but gain much more traction recently sadly. Even Elon Musk loves AfD but he a Nazi too, so no wonder things gained traction with his twitter/X.
Everything that were in government, was pretty left wing except the CDU which was… well they were lobbyistic but not that far right. But today they are.
The best moments in my life, are not the Happy ones, but the spiritual ones.
Driving with the bike at 2am to a field and lying there with noone being around in kilometers. I think thats where I had the most charactee development done, where I could filter out and learn from bad moments and be happy about them and appreciate happy days.
Pain was the only factor driving this, so in conclusion, the worst moments in my life made me the happiest person I could ever be. But the happy days are important too, to not think life is unfair and unbalanced. Its both, but worse moments will have a bigger impact than Happy moments.
Maybe… when Biology booms similarly to LLM models like GPT… then we would see a bug fixed in the plants, which absorb CO2 pretty slowly with a protein building block and thus create an extreme amount of that protein instead of fixing the protein. Which means, if we fix the Protein and modify all plants to create and use it instead through DNA manipulation, then we could have a brighter future than we are now imagining (maybe only a bit less dystopical is what I mean)
I think the difference here is that you can access so many parts through online shopping but also access a lot of knowledge.
Its more possible for a nerd to puzzle the things together. Im not saying its easy, but compared to back in the days, your Motivation would be low to even attempt such interesting routes, because back then everything was more expensive and hard to find.
But I feel like I already have both. At the same time I feel like I have nothing od them both.
Especially because only a selection tells me that I look very attractive. I get more compliments from males when I dress like a female for Halloween while I am hetero. But mostly I feel like its not true because many people just accept my presents. But maybe they only accept me because I dont look unattractive.
So choosing attractiveness leads to better social connections which I rely on.
The intelligence… I feel dumb as fuck often times because simple tasks are difficult for me or getting a focus in general. But I get compliments of being smart as fuck, especially when they see how many peogramming languages I can write in or see the projects I created or I was creative on.
Still, I guess this is the sideproduct of being too intelligent. That being too intelligent with Asberger and ADHD results into not being able to do simple tasks. I feel like the word “dumb” is just a question of perspective, because i am dumb in too many simple things, except its about a topic I love like Computers, electronics or Math sometimes.
So the question arrises. When I choose being intelligent. Would I be able to be Intelligent in tasks which people with lower IQ (I guess dumb?) can easily master? And at the same time also in tasks which only people with higher IQ can master? (Idk my IQ btw, could be both high or low. I really dont know)
Also, would I be able to still connect with people with the intelligence because I would have a high Empathic Intelligence? I noticed that the Higher the IQ of someone is, the lower their EQ will be. Making them a bit Egoistic and unhandsome.
Its a complex topic with many questions
Thats a sentence I never heard and believe noone has written it ever on the internet
Installed it on android and… it sucks. Only 32-bit for some reason. Can’t open my files and doesn’t even ask for permissions. Instead, loads forever.
I also did use the Desktop app a few times and I also hate it because when I want to play my Music files, it opens Elisa but only plays the last music selected + the queue where I tried to open the files. Its extremely user unfriendly
Find out who I really am
I believe that nature will adapt too. Maybe everything is too fast. But once everything will die that cant live in this heat, there will still be nature that developes and mutates just to create a balance again.
And we will definetly survive somehow. Some poor people with redneck engineering but also rich people obviously. There is always a way. Even in chaos and destruction.
Upsides: You can create a cult where they believe in you as a god, because you will live for eternity.
Especially, because they can chose existing names as there is no Copyright in Russia (afaik, probably a wrong myth but idk)
Nono, you got a point.
I don’t want to transition. I am 100% male and this will not change, but I still wanna dress sometimes like a gothic queen. Will happen for Halloween.
But I still feel like people care. Even small changes on me get attention. I guess it depends if you learned lots of peoplr and friends in University or not.
I think when Learning new people, it might have an influence. But idk. I never tried it because I am afraid.
I can relate.
Everytime I see some Gucci stuff on someone, I feel hard sad for them or sometimes cringe, because all the money they once had, was spent on something worthless in my eyes. They also look more unsympathic by having those brand stuff on them, so its a lot that plays in.
But if they don’t look entirely iced out, then I mostly don’t even notice that the person has Expensive brand clothes or generally popular brands. I mostly see the overall design or the colors besides the Human and the face. I have my energy somehwere else to invest than thinking on ehat brands someone is wearing. A sometimes I secretly judge if they are trying very hard to be something like iced out. (With iced out I mean, trying to look rich with Gucci clothes or something similar)
Puuh, I can redo it. But I had a Video 2-3 Years ago where I used a Feet and a Hand at the same time on the table (because one Hand needs to hold the Phone/Cam)
I loved it because its goofy flexing.
Its only possible on X11 Yet afaik because in X11 you can Manipulate XInput and create new Focus Groups to assign your devices there (move them to another group).
This already is used in Both KDE and Gnome Wayland, but only for Tablets (they get theie own Focus group like I can do it with X11 and XInput command tool, its the same but a feature that actually is default). You can also see a difference how Gnome can actually handle both inputs well at the same time, while KDE is a glitching nightmare
Im stuck. Is there a Guide for a fast approaching full suit switch?
Caleneder, Passwords, Email, Drive?