Link Alligator would actually be a fun name
Link Alligator would actually be a fun name
One site forbidding you from directing traffic to another isn’t disrespecting you. If it’s something so groundbreaking that others need to see it, screenshot it and post it. You don’t need to directly link it.
The ability to shapeshift doesn’t really get affected by this caveat, so that remains about as appealing as it was before.
Taken to an extreme, one can get a controllable/turn-off-able biological immortality and at-will violation of conservation of matter/energy.
The legal framework and argumentation used to justify the ban is worrisome and can be applied overbroadly in the suppression of speech.
Despite this broad possible argumentation, it has just been, and will likely continue to be, wielded in a way targeted towards suppression of speech in a targeted, nationalistic, and at times overtly racist ways. (See: “Senator, I’m Singaporean, not Chinese.”)
Like it or not, it’s become a large repository of internet history and online conversation. The loss of the platform is the loss of that history.
If the government had particular problems with the platform’s practices and behaviors, it would have been able to field an actual lawsuit with real charges, or levy fines. This “sell or be banned” is a clear grab for power more than any actual gesture towards protecting the people.
The first I bought for myself was a PNY XLR8 GeForce GTS 250 in 2010. It tided me over for 4 years, until my power supply gave a loud POP, and I replaced pretty much the whole build just in case the other parts were damaged (or caused the damage).
Cross the wrong people and you end up not dead, but irrecoverable. Cement shoes, buried alive kind of stuff. Cross a different set of wrong people and you become a labrat. To avoid either scenario, you’ll be in a constant state of “undocumented” or false-documented which will keep you in a pretty consistent state of poverty.
Looks like I’ve blocked 2? One for bigotry reasons I can’t recall, and the other for being just having annoying posting habits (applying a license to every comment like those facebook chainletters).
Could make sense. If they’re smart, they’re trying to get a cut of the “exclusive Discord”, patreon, Substack kind of money flow.
If they’re wildly stupid, they’ll try to take over and paywall popular existing subreddits.
See, that’s much closer to “(It was) my pleasure”, which is a valid English response (though these days it puts people in the mind of “Chick-fil-A employee”) than it is “You’re welcome”.
I feel you’ve missed the point I was making and assumed I’ve made another. Age number and year number are different. You’re in your first year when your age is not yet 1. You’re in your second year when your age is between 1 and 2.
Years follow numbers as in "this year was the first/second/third year of ", not “this year was the year turned X years old”
The language is rooted in the same logic as people. Your first year was between the ages of 0 and 1. The first year before you were born is between -1 and 0. There is no 0th year because 0 is a point in time and not a range in time.
American marriage tax codes are written to benefit the sort of couple with a stay-at-home-spouse. Having one person without an income (or with a significantly lower income) in the marriage effectively pulls you down in the tax brackets as a whole.
You heard it that way because that’s because that’s the end of 1 Corinthians 13:11:
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
C.S. Lewis is playing off of a Bible quote and that became its own thing.
Both Gmail and Outlook have dipped into having 2+ sidebar menus, with one of them permanent. And for both, it’s to shoehorn in features/flows that aren’t the thing I’m there for (e-mail).
Content rate needs to go up, I agree, but the biggest source of content in comparable social media came from something I’d like to avoid: power users.
The one bottle I bought, I’ve had since 2010, I think. I have a few other bottles that I’ve picked up for free (conferences, college housing promo) from ~2012, ~2015, ~2019?
Yes, I do 20USD/mo, I think, because I’ve taken up what I’ve been calling “Secular Tithing” in the last few years, and Wikimedia and its ventures were useful learning and research tools for my undergrad and highschool. Less so during my master’s, but that’s just how that goes.
Too bad (for them) the newer version of Tweetdeck was ✨worse✨ than the old one.
A good number of those subreddits became breeding grounds for not-so-subtle racist dogwhistling, so I don’t really miss them.
A lot of the others sort of ran through the actually good, viable content before expanding to being less good (/r/YoutubeHaiku basically dropping the ‘unscripted’ requirement and becoming essentially, short-form skits and streamer clips). I tend to follow people with content I like directly on TikTok and Youtube these days. Aggregators of content tend to go either generic or toxic, I find.
No; jealousy paints a target on your back. I’d rather people wish well for me and feel that my victories are at least indirectly theirs.
Failing that, I’d want others to be unaware of my existence.