I absolutely detest the Flanderization of Drax and Thor. I appreciate moments of comedy, but I didn’t come to watch Abbot and Costello.
I absolutely detest the Flanderization of Drax and Thor. I appreciate moments of comedy, but I didn’t come to watch Abbot and Costello.
Impressive, though I had excitedly anticipated the Buffy the Vampire Slayer cast as Sailor Scouts. Not disappointed, though!
Pokémon Unite
I tried it early on but I felt it lacked the maturity and depth of playing a more serious and in-depth MOBA like League of Legends. I played a lot of Pokémon games throughout the years but it just paled compared to how fulfilling the long-form games and lore of Leagues went.
Turns out I’m a dad now and these shorter, punchier games are both perfect for me and somehow more fulfilling. On top of that they added complexity with Boost Medallions without breaking the game with them. It makes the setup more cerebral because you lose stats as well as gain.
So the thing about these linds of games is that you theoretically can master any Champion/Pokémon, but there are some that you just intuitively understand. Keep trying different characters until you find one you gel with in Standard/non-Ranked matches, then get a feel for how to improve your runes/items by playing Ranked and studying your shortcomings. It’s how I found out that I love to play walls and use items that optimize walls for damage. (Iceborn Gauntlet, Sunfire, Demonic Embrace type stuff for LoL and Rocky Helmet/Shell Bell/Drain Crown for Unite.)
This is true, but you put in the effort to set up the tool and run this just for me. I wish to show my appreciation for your effort, even if it is AI-generated.
Oh, that’s so cool! I may use that with your permission. May I?
Awesome! Thank you so much!
Thank you so very much!
I’m really quite impressed with the results! I’d expect to see something like that in Adventure Time.
If it’s not too much trouble, could I ask you to do mine?
Dude is legit entertaining while debunking this nonsense. You’ll learn a lot not just about the science, but about how they constructed their faulty arguments and where to push to make them fall apart like playdoh.
If nobody challenges them on the harmless stupidity it will fester into greater ignorance they feel entitled to perpetuate.
Good news is that of the original rangers, the only one who didn’t say something nice and was still living was David Yost. Walter Jones, Austin St. John, and Amy Jo Johnson all said something nice about him.
I disagree. Pan is the breath of fresh air the series needed and it’s a real disappointment we don’t see more of her.
Oh, and Return to Oz.
The Secret of Nimh
Xanadu (Modern Fantasy)
I’ve always found the most effective thing is to wordlessly link the oldest thread I can remember to the poster.
That’s completely untrue. At this point in your life you have an established set of purchasing locations and a purchase history. You’re discussing disingenuously for either the sake of arguing or because you don’t understand how the world works, either of which suggest pursuing this further is a waste of time and energy.
You say that like the stores don’t buy that based on your meat-buying history.
They always prepare more than the allotted amount based on demand to meet unanticipated fluctuations. Your spent dollars on meat per month are calculated into their spreadsheets. No amount of pretend justification liberates you from the consequences of your actions. If you did not buy meat, there would be (your consumption*1.25) less meat in the store on average. You are not buying overflow meat. They are producing your meat plus overflow.
Just for you.
You can enjoy it, but you’re insane if you don’t see a marked drop in quality from installation to installation in terms of map design, content, sound design and more. How many times are they going to reuse Mega Evolution with a new coat of paint instead of just keeping it already working?
Why do they prevent you from transferring Pokemon into newer generations? It’s not because they don’t have the space for the information. They’re saving money by not having to spend dev hours remodeling all the older Pokemon to fit the new art style or graphic threshold.
All in all, given the profits, they could put a lot more effort into making the experience more fun.
Here’s a decent breakdown of the issues between generations: (Warning: The presentation leaves something to be desired but the crux of the argument is sound.)