That the shadows are correct is impressive.
That the shadows are correct is impressive.
I have heard that over the years, I think that may have been hit or miss (as with anything in production). Once I had something to fight the power swings I never had an issue with my power supply again. Perhaps the last one I got was from a “better” run.
Brownouts, even ones so minor the human eye can’t see, are killers to electronics. Learned that decades ago when I got my first computer (C-64) and had to return a few before we figured out it was bad power. Building code ought to include protection within the main breaker box. Maybe in some places they have such a thing.
I find it funny that no one in Meta involved with the upcoming new social media had ever heard of the movie when the name was suggested.
I presume you’re talking about Lemmy from any of the different instances. If you’re looking at local it’s only going to show local posts and not “everywhere”. Be warned though, currently there’s a bug where when you do select “All” it updates with a pull from outside the instance very often, so much so that it can make reading and browsing difficult. That should be updated soon.
Languages change over time. As long as the intent is clear, don’t get hung up on what is and isn’t “correct”. “You’re welcome” probably was seen as extreme at some point itself.