If it’s not tied to any post or comment, is it still the user’s data and subject to the GDPR? What if I were to create a post that linked to that image? Would it become my image?
If it’s not tied to any post or comment, is it still the user’s data and subject to the GDPR? What if I were to create a post that linked to that image? Would it become my image?
Try Briar.
!remindme 10 years
and they are all compatible.
This is not a given. Anyone can fork the protocol. If they are a large enough instance, they can include evil features in their fork, and block any instance that doesn’t use that fork. The users of competing forks then don’t have access, and their users move to a cooperating instance.
It has happened before; It will happen again.
It is an issue if .social ever decides to “Be evil”, and utilized their outsized influence over the rest of the 'verse.
Edit: The concept is known as “Embrace, Extend, Extinguish”.
There appears to be a lack of “centrist”, non-political, or right-wing voices (and I don’t mean extreme MAGA-type views, but rather more moderate conservative positions).
They hang out in /modlog.
It may have a defroster heater circuit that kicks on periodically, raising the current draw.
Does it have ratings for the light fixtures? Are you using the incandescent bulbs it is likely rated for, or have you switched to LEDs?
You shouldn’t have any real problems with the UPS, so long as it is rated for the 115v / 10A that the refrigerator is rated for.
To me It looks like a nightly routine of positive self-talk while visualizing myself getting up the next morning to carry out my planned agenda
All that visualization would have me excited to get started. I’d be up all night thinking about the plan, then be too exhausted to even get out of bed when it’s finally time to actually get started.
That’s… Awesome.
Edit: That has pretty much every major feature I’ve been looking for.
Long shot, but does anyone know of any mapping app where you can easily project a bearing/azimuth line, or a point a given bearing and distance from another point?
The only app I’ve found so far that can come close to what I need is Backcountry Navigator, which has a terrible UI. Everything else seems to be focused entirely on GPS navigation from where you are now to a known destination; I have yet to find one that allows even basic triangulation, to be able to identify the location of an observed object.
The purpose of sex should be defined by the participants, not by third parties. Government (public, third party) interest in the private act should be limited to protecting the participants from fraud, undue influence, unexpected diseases, unexpected pregnancies, violence… Basically, so long as everyone involved in the act is aware and freely agrees to the purpose, the actual purpose is functionally irrelevant.
Sex work is work.
I can see regulations against establishing an employer/employee working relationship, and instead mandating a private contractor relationship: an employee can disciplined or fired for failure to perform, or for refusing to serve the employer’s customers; a contractor can pick and choose their own clients.
The right of assembly; the freedom of association should broadly protect mutually consensual activities.
Absentee ballots work just like in-person ballots. You just mail them in instead of dropping them in the box at the polling place.
What state are you in? It’s not hard to request an absentee ballot.
As opposed to going to your next job after 8 hours?
Not HP. I wouldn’t accept an HP printer unless you paid me more than $20 and didn’t force me to use it.
If you wanted me to use it, I’d charge you no less than $200 per month.
Fuck HP with a rusty Buick.
Then that someone can kill me.
It would be a much better world with a bounty on the head of anyone worth more than a billion dollars. Pay your employees more, charge your customers less, divest your ownership interests. Buy more products and services from the market, rather than lending to it.
I’ve warrantied two fridges in their first year for failed VFDs. So, yes, I’ll say that quite a few don’t last a year. And I’d wager most of those 1940’s fridges were still working when they were discarded, just obsolete in 1950’s kitchens.
Thousands of refrigerators bought in 2022 are already in landfills.
Not all providers deserve your business.