I successfully made a checklist of work tasks, and checked several of them off
I successfully made a checklist of work tasks, and checked several of them off
Oh dear, I didn’t know there was tomato for vacuums… depending on how it goes, this knowledge will make you either my new friend or my latest enemy…
PS4 God of War
I’ve been Xbox, Nintendo, PC my whole life, and eventually borrowed a PlayStation during the pandemic to play through some exclusives. I barely got through the tutorial before putting it down for two years. Got a ps5 eventually and gave it another try… and loved it.
My ego is fine! Enjoy.
I said theoretically because I recall it not being proven, and it’s been a while since I read anything on the topic.
It’s mildly amusing that my statement suggested to you anything remotely close to “studied fact”. Are you getting enough fiber in your diet? Enough water? There’s empirical evidence out there that those can help with constipation. Now that’s a studied fact! Be well! 😇
Aluminum sulfate has also been theoretically linked to Alzheimer’s.
Did op edit the post? He didn’t mention specific language at all from what I can see now. Or maybe he said so in a comment elsewhere?
Retirement… omg, retirement
I know you said hidden gems, but I’m fairly new, so I admittedly use more popular apps.
Sure, but I think there’s still benefit to what the other person did. Search DDG by default, and then if you don’t see good results, it’s one extra click for the google search… vs mousing, clicking, 2 keystrokes…
Hypothetically, ask AI to write a short story in the style of one of these writers. Don’t tell anyone. Get popular, reduce demand for original writer. People only have so much time, after all.
More likely, they just want to be compensated for their “voice”.
Not advocating for either of these… just thinking about why
+1 for Arc!
Rock and roll my friend
Summer - cool to 76 around the house. 68 for sleeping.
Winter - warm to 70 around the house. 65 for sleeping, with a heavier comforter.
I liked their eye masks so much, I bought the place
The majority are 100MB+ high res files, so it’s only 90,000 songs. Mixture of all genres.
The Breakers - this is the Rockefeller’s summer home in Newport. It’s open for tours, and though I don’t recall the prices being crazy, it’s definitely been a while.
It’s so ostentatious and over the top, but beautiful, and full of wonderfully made things.
I think it’s interesting to consider our modern billionaire class as equivalents to Rockefeller’s gilded age.
Oh, and while you’re in RI make sure to get a Del’s frozen lemonade.
My music collection, about 12TB of high bit rate music.
the availability of the internet and a young(er) brain has made learning to cook easier for me. Also I feel like diverse ingredients are easier to come by. They were cooking out of Betty Crocker and their parent’s index card collection.