No, only a “normies” exploit involving using a defunct email address is getting blocked.
No, only a “normies” exploit involving using a defunct email address is getting blocked.
If only that option were realistic
On a new install, before powering up, make sure you don’t start it up with Ethernet plugged in, when you get to the Wi-Fi connection stage hit Ctrl+f10
Type in
And press enter. The computer will restart and now when you get to the Wi-Fi connection screen you’ll have a like that says “I don’t have internet”.
Grab the shelter app from f Droid, add the Play store in shelter, move over to the work side Play store and install the authenticator.
Pause your work apps except for when you need to use the authenticator.
I work for an MSP managing thousands of workstations and servers. I’m also the “VPN guy” so I deal with them constantly every single day.
Perhaps you should ask questions before making assumptions.
Vpns are working fine. This article is dogshit.
People in this thread sleeping hard on Grayjay
Does every single creator get paid for their work and the value that they add to the platform? Or does YouTube arbitrarily get to decide who gets a tiny piece of the revenue from the content that YouTube doesn’t own?
What the fuck? Can you sync chrome to edge and edge to opera? What kind of bad faith bullshit ass argument are you trying to pull here?
You’re claiming that you cant sync data on Firefox, when you absolutely can. Then you claim that what you meant was that you cant cross browser sync on multiple devices. Well congratufuckinglations, you can’t on any other browser either.
What is wrong with you?
That’s nice. Do they also create the content for the platform that is by far the most costly part of it? Or have they simply found a way to monetize content that does not belong to them?
That content does not belong to YouTube. And they also do not pay for 99% of it.
YouTube depends on people to use it for it’s existence. They also depend on those users to upload content so that YouTube can then treat that content as if it is its own and monetize it.
If I was in such a precarious position I wouldn’t go about making the experience crappy for those users that I’m desperately dependent upon.
Firefox has had data sync for a long ass time.
Also, use greyjay. It’s fantastic.
That content does not belong to YouTube. And they also do not pay for 99% of it.
YouTube depends on people to use it for it’s existence. They also depend on those users to upload content so that YouTube can then treat that content as if it is its own and monetize it.
If I was in such a precarious position I wouldn’t go about making the experience crappy for those users that I’m desperately dependent upon.
I can confidently say at this juncture, that you’re an idiot.
You know why you’re an idiot? It’s because you don’t understand that arguing in bad faith openly, as you have done, loses the argument for you pretty much outright.
What proprietary app do you need to run… The website? Are you seriously arguing that making an account on the website is equivalent to having to run an app on your machine?
You’re weird.
God, what a bullshit, bad faith argument. I’m sure you feel like you have the high ground, but seriously, you sound like an idiot.
So it isn’t necessary to have keys and an account on your preferred git server? What kind of insecure dumpster fire server are you committing code to???
You are not required to visit the website to use GitHub.
If you are complaining because all you know how to use is the website and GitHub desktop, then that’s a you problem and you need to get good. There is a git man page and it is excellent. I suggest you study up.
What proprietary code do you have to run to use GitHub???
Irl, yes. Extremely so. I tend to be prickly online because, frankly, anonymous communication generally causes people to be assholes.
That said, I’m only a dick when someone else is being a dick first.