I’d add simple soldering. It’s amazing how many little gadgets go bad because a little wire inside broke loose when it was dropped. I’ve fixed headphones, a temperature sensor, and even done things with the vehicles.
I’d add simple soldering. It’s amazing how many little gadgets go bad because a little wire inside broke loose when it was dropped. I’ve fixed headphones, a temperature sensor, and even done things with the vehicles.
I love that website. The surgical knots were nice to have in place to reference.
If I were to guess, it’s because the randomness of the upgrades is just a little too random at first. Once you get used to it, and get some upgrades, the game is no longer as frustrating.
After I beat the game, I installed some mods that made it so you were more likely to get certain gods (and you could choose which ones), and it became quite a bit more fun. Getting the combo powers, and ones that you were interested in, wasn’t some super rare occurrence anymore.
Lol, it hurts that I’m no longer champ. The skill curve has definitely ramped up though, so being Diamond is not a bad thing. It’s my fault for taking a three year break and expecting to come back as good as I was.
Aye, that first experience when a friend convinced me that part of the game was trading for better items blew my mind. My only previous experience with that sort of game was diablo, where you could definitely get through the whole game with just found items.
I miss the old way they had though, where it was worth having a single target attack and an aoe attack on swapped weapons, and dominus, try 3, was a hard fight.
The hardest part of ‘de-googling’ is the stranglehold it has on email. Between them and microsoft, I’ve only seen a few companies (small to medium size) that don’t use one of those two as the email. It’s mind-boggling. If either of them ever got testy, they could bring entire sectors down just by using the information stored in emails on.
I mean, I wouldn’t be against it, offhand, but I think I’d have to get to know you first. What’s your body odor like? :p
These with the couch look. I guess I just can’t see how one of those is beneficial. I slept on one for a few years, and remember having issues with back pain until I left the 7x7 room I was living in and got a real mattress.
Hmm, what I’m picturing for the word futon must not be what ya’ll are talking about. Where I’m from, futons are the combo sofa that can be laid flat to be a bed. Are ya’ll on something else?
What scooter? And are you in an urban area? I love my little taiwanese scooter, but there’s no way it could replace my car.
Aye, we know way too little about the effect of skin products on the microbiome of our skin. Some of what has been looked at has different conclusions. There is a ‘community’ out there somewhere that I used to keep tabs on that believe everyone can get to the point of ‘mildly smelly’ at worst. The idea is that you just have to find the right bacteria to populate your skin. They would scrape and swap. There were two camps of thought, separated by whether they believed washing with soap was appropriate once you had the right bacteria mix.
Shoot, it’s not even new vehicles. The report I remember from a college team that trialed ‘car hacking’ was from 2014 correction, 2011.
Interesting. Where I’m at any cop can hold you for a psych eval, but they have to have damning evidence that you will hurt yourself or others. I’m pretty sure no cop here, and by extension their department, or the doctor at the hospital, would be willing to risk a lawsuit because you refused to answer questions about a crime. The civil rights violation (because they’re retaliating for you taking the 5th), would be a bonus on top of the unlawful detention.
Ah, but those produced some hilarious records. Wasn’t the record for the VW beetle something like 26 folks? I can’t imagine four people in that thing, much less double digits.
I proudly wore my ripped jeans. Of course, my rips looked terrible for the style because they came from climbing over badly maintained fences and such. Oh, and one hole from a bull’s horn; that one sort of sucked.
I mean, he’s over 30. His knees likely light up every time he stands up.
-.- that’s not a real thing. It can’t be a real thing.
… okay, it’s a simpson’s reference. Sanity preserved
It’s a term used by one of the big economic thinkers associated with capitalism, or a version of it. It basically means the markets ‘correct’ themselves, merely by existing. It can be summed up as the collective actions of consumers and sellers setting prices for products/goods/services, rather than those same things being dictated by fiat.
As someone with wax issues in the ears, no, q-tips suck at cleaning ears. You’ll end up pushing the wax into your eardrum and causing the impacted wax that you were trying to avoid in the first place. That’s why I use those tiny screwdrivers. /shrug