Online review for a Yeti dog bowl said “Great bowl! Just don’t get your dog’s name engraved on it because it will outlast them!”
My grandfather said “It already comes with his name engraved on it”
Now my dog is named Yeti
Online review for a Yeti dog bowl said “Great bowl! Just don’t get your dog’s name engraved on it because it will outlast them!”
My grandfather said “It already comes with his name engraved on it”
Now my dog is named Yeti
Vertical mouse for sure.
Your arm bones are constantly twisted in the normal mouse position.
Viva Piñata
Imagine it like a car steering wheel.
You’d say turning the wheel to the right turns the car right.
Think of it like this. Like your hand is holding on the top of the steering wheel.
You can donate blood in 20 minutes. It takes an hour plus to donate plasma
Am I going to sit in a chair for an hour plus without any compensation? Maybe once or twice here and there. But you can donate plasma at least twice a week.
It requires two donations for a single unit. If you donate once and don’t donate the second, then your first donation is unusable. You have to get them to donate twice.
When I was donating plasma, it paid about $75 for each donation. 50 first, 100 for second. The money is pretty good. $300 a month is a lot for a lot of people.
If you didn’t compensate people for plasma donations, a lot wouldn’t do it. They currently need more people to donate.
Plasma “donation” is a good thing.
Criminal Minds
Dead fish 🐟
Ability to act on freewill
You ask Chat GPT a question it is going to answer it becomes that’s what it has been programed to do. Input question, output answer.
Now if Chat GPT could be like “Nah I’m not going to answer that because I don’t feel like it”
Yes “AI” can be programed to not answer certain things. E.g porn stuff. But it does not make the conscious choice to do so it is following programming.
A choosey nose indeed
Idaho must be an awful name to live with
It’s scummy but not a scam
Personally, I like the pre-tax amounts displayed. I should know that I am paying 10 dollars for a shirt and that the government is taking an extra dollar. Rather than just being told, the shirt costs 11 dollars. Price tag saying 10+1 would be fine, but tax should always be displayed. Taxes shouldn’t be hidden.
Let’s say they outlawed it
Do you think:
A:They round up
B:They round down
In reality, it might save us .1 cent
Have you tried an auto rotating mechanical pencil?
Other mechanical pencils suck because you get a flat side on the lead. An auto rotating one fixes this problem and makes it like new everytime you pick up and put down the tip to write.