How do you clean your ears, bellybutton, toes? And hopefully in that order. Some stuff needs extra attention, and some people have different skin types than you. Go scrub out your toes.
How do you clean your ears, bellybutton, toes? And hopefully in that order. Some stuff needs extra attention, and some people have different skin types than you. Go scrub out your toes.
I remember watching a black comedian many years ago and his bit started “Why don’t white people use washcloths?”, and it got me thinking. I started using washcloths and noticed I came away cleaner, soap on a hand doesn’t cut the skin oils and dirt like soap and gentle abrasion can. I also noticed, because I’m hairy, that I get lots of ingrown hairs, especially on my legs. Switched to one of those “poofs” and now I vigorously scrub my hairy bits and no ingrown hairs. Exfoliating helps.
Use a washcloth and don’t forget to brush your tongue, you filthy animal.
Oil production and distribution is an international operation, and oil markets are just that, Markets. Very few if any countries drill, produce, refine and consume their own petroleum sources. Most countries may have only one or a couple facilities that can extract or refine oil. All crude oil is assessed by its grade and given a value on the international market. Extractive economies (Russia for example) have to either refine and consume their own product which they can’t use to put currency in their economy or they sell raw crude to, say, India for US Dollars. India will either refine it for it’s own needs or sell it at market. Canada extracts it’s oil from oil sands, sends it down to the gulf coast for refining and transshipment to other markets. This is classically a Capitalist supply and demand market, and oil producing countries use oil proceeds to buy foreign currency reserves, regardless of their political system. The entirety of it is Capitalist from beginning to end.
That you’re even attempting to try and deflect the various excesses of Capitalism with specious reasoning like “Communist countries produce oil too so not Capitalism” is puerile and an argument in bad faith. You’re trying to work back towards your hypothesis “Capitalism good” without doing the work of actually building the argument. Your ineffective points are useless and wholly unconvincing. You’re just a shill without an intellectual understanding of what you are attempting to put across. Your ham-fisted defense of Capitalism is simple refutation, you haven’t posited anything yourself, you’re just attempting to refute what other’s have responded to your bait question. Saying “nuh-uh” isn’t a defense or a rationale.
I’ve wasted more time on this than I cared to.
If you’re going to continue going to bat for Capitalism as your growth fueled world begins to burn around you, you might consider putting the blame at the feet of the petrochemical industry which is decidedly Capitalist. Have a nice day.
Capitalism exploits resources with an eye on ever-increasing “growth”. Capitalism abhors anything that either lessens “growth” or doesn’t actively encourage it. Growth for growth’s sake is a dead-end road, one we’re rapidly approaching. That China had the same mindset isn’t an aberration, the CCP and Chinese economy leverages the tools of Capitalism and the proceeds go to Communism (and corruption), to fuel stratospheric growth in order to counter Western hegemony. That China embraced Capitalistic growth models is a means to an end, it may be called Communistic Capitalism. It’s an economic model, not a political one.
The fix was in on our climate by the 90’s, the Co2 levels are above 450 ppm. This doesn’t have an equivalent in many millions of years. The effects of heat building is cumulative, the earth still has plenty more room to store heat energy, and we’ve already put more than enough Co2 in the atmosphere to warm well past 2C. We’ve got years left, not decades. Wait till food distribution systems break down, that’s when it’ll hit everyone that this is already a done deal. Things will begin to break down rapidly in the next few years.