I’m no Nazi, I just think it’s infantilizing to filter out certain words so I left .ml. We’re all adults here. Enjoy what you like though, I’m happy with /0.
I’m no Nazi, I just think it’s infantilizing to filter out certain words so I left .ml. We’re all adults here. Enjoy what you like though, I’m happy with /0.
Wendy’s tastes vaguely like In n Out. They used to taste way better a few years back. Whataburger is basically Burger King with mustard. Wendy’s is by far the better option IMO.
James K. Polk. He went into a bloody war for conquest with Mexico to conclude Manifest Destiny.
Lemme.ee is fine. It wouldn’t hurt to have multiple accounts in different instances in case one goes down for maintenance so you can keep browsing. I recommend dbzero since they’re techy and don’t lean on politics as much as other instances.
GTX 760 Ti --> GTX 1060 Ti --> RTX 3080/RX6750 XT
The prohibitions in question would include vehicles with certain bluetooth, satellite and wireless features as well as highly autonomous vehicles that could operate without a driver behind the wheel.
Chinese vehicles sold in the US would have the same internet connectivity as a base 2007 Honda Civic. Surveillance by the Chinese would be practically impossible with those limitations. You know who gets a pass on installing everything from internet connected cabin-facing cameras, accelerometers, microphones, and GPS tracking? US-based auto manufacturers!
That’s right, they can and will take all the data they have about you and sell them to data brokers. Enjoy paying a higher insurance premium because you braked too hard one time. Did your shiny new GM’s shitty drivetrain give out on you because their engineering is garbage and you want to claim the warranty for repairs? Too bad, you accelerated a little too hard that one time to get out of the way of a speeding truck and now they claim it was your bad driving that broke it.
I get you hate the CCP, most of us do (except the tankies here but they’re a special case) but until we rein in the lazy and corrupt domestic vehicle industry it’s gonna be a hard fight to get rid of Chinese vehicles encroaching on the market even with 100% tariffs.
Nice to know Chinese EVs will be the choice for privacy-minded individuals in the US soon. Being cheaper than western brands is a nice big fat cherry on top.
It was more literal than that IIRC. The gods were pissed at first but chilled out once the smells of the mortals cooking meat went up to Olympus. The only guy to suffer was poor Prometheus; condemned to have his liver eaten by an eagle as he remains chained to a mountain side.
Got laid off four times when I was a temp worker for all of them. First time was when a major customer had a downturn in the oil market and I was the obvious choice by being one of the latest hires. I was brought in for a 15 minute meeting in the only conference room of the office and perp walked out by my asshole manager that same hour.
The other three were due to the contracts timing out (CA law forces companies to either convert contract workers to FTE after 2 years or lay them off). It’s a lot less shocking when you know the date but it still sucks to count down the time. It didn’t hurt to leave so much considering temp workers were treated as second class citizens like being excluded from company parties or not receiving bonuses so it was hard to get attached.
The Super Mario Bros /Duck Hunt cartridge.
The best way to do it is to try reading an article and stop at every kanji you don’t know to look it up. It’s a slow process but the struggle’s what makes it easier to remember. Maybe try it with manga first as the panels help give context to what’s being said and the shounen stuff has hiragana above the kanji to help look it up.
Fluent in English.
Español es mi primer idioma.
I first saw Saint Seiya in Mexico in the early 90s. Being a young kid I didn’t know it was anime at the time but remembered it being special compared to cartoons of the day.
The saying “there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism” is pretty true for most of us right now. The oligopoly we have going on makes it extremely difficult to consistently do the right thing. The only real way forward is to regulate the shit out of these products. If only we had another Upton Sinclair to scare the general populace into giving enough of a shit to demand unilateral action.
Neither, especially with Pocket. There’s something about an add-on integrated into a browser that makes me worry about privacy. I hate how pocket is bundled in Firefox and take great pleasure in disabling it in the browser’s config file. If it was something that could be downloaded on your own I might have had a different opinion about it. I just make a bookmark folder for articles I want to read later. It takes a few extra seconds to store and access but I think it’s worth it.
Vista sucked for sure, but Windows 7 was pretty great IMO. I was dragged kicking and screaming into the shit that’s Windows 10 because Steam stopped supporting 7.
For isometric RPGs Arcanum truly was unique. The dialogue and story was polished to a brilliant shine in a fantasy world going through the industrial revolution. The soundtrack composed entirely of a somber string ensemble added so much to the narrative and feel of the world, as if its magic was slowly dying out to make way for industrial expansion and exploitation. It stands up there along with the original Fallouts and Planescape: Torment. It’s a tragedy a sequel was never made. The only modern game that comes close to the aesthetics is the Pillars of Eternity franchise.
Where can you get two 16 TB HDDs for $320? Cheapest I could find was a 14TB Toshiba N300 for around $320 each and I’m on the fence about getting them because they’re supposedly pretty noisy. Were the models OP mentioned not for NAS use?
Can anyone recommend a good server for this? I’m looking for one that’s federated with everything else.