(ok, I lied, I used DDG as a shortcut for the wikipedia page on illegal numbers)
(ok, I lied, I used DDG as a shortcut for the wikipedia page on illegal numbers)
Sadly not, it is often considered illegal to reverse-engineer software for the purpose of circumventing DRM.
… so, when are we launching?
On a serious note, I think I was wrong.
Assuming you can get into Mün’s SOI with an incredibly precise trajectory, you can MAYBE, sort of, lose kinetic energy by simply burning “upwards” at certain points, until you’re basically repeatedly going upwards then downwards relatively to the Mün. Its rotation is a problem, but tbh I haven’t played KSP in years and ffs I’m studying IT, not… whatever KSP is.
I imagine the latter isn’t too hard, you just have to get it right just before leaving the atmosphere (quick saves help); however, isn’t landing (not crashing nor rolling around) on the Mün without steering straight up impossible?
Though I can see some rocket landing on a planet with an atmosphere…
The first argument is more or less understandable (still wrong): you can’t just propel yourself upwards at your earliest convenience to reach the moon, you have to play around with orbital mechanics.
If your friend’s idea of a moon-worthy vessel is an unsteerable rocket with infinite fuel and a chair strapped to it… well the odds are effectively zero.
The second argument? bro, last time I checked the moon was still orbiting Earth
Hey, to be fair, ‘/’ and the null character are the only illegal character for file names on Linux (which is a blessing AND a curse)
You can also offer an audible description of the painting, and, just so the analogy makes sense, you can warn the audience that hearing the explaination isn’t the experience the author intended to craft.
CrossCode did that…
My only use for Reddit now is reading r/hfy stories, though I’m doing that through a local Redlib instance, hoping that those glitter sniffers don’t lock website content behind accounts like almost every other social medium does (but we all know that if something can get worse to make more money, it WILL get worse to make more money).
Spaces between paragraphs should work, you have to use two new lines for them.
They seem to work on my instance’s web interface and on Jerboa…
you can replace your periods with three dashes to get a horizontal separator, which I think is what you were going for. It’s markdown syntax, it should work for most clients.
I don’t have LibreOffice installed, but on Firedragon (a fork of Floorp (based on Firefox)) CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN behaves the same as SHIFT+DOWN, with no selection split; CTRL+D also has nothing to do with selection.
“Most programs” as in “most IDEs”, maybe; Visual Studio, Eclipse, Micro and Kate do not, or at the very least not with those key combinations.
If you select some text then use CTRL+D, the editor will search the next match in the file and add it to your selection, and whenever you type something both of the selected segments of text will be edited in the same way - you can extend the selections with SHIFT+LEFT and SHIFT+RIGHT.
It’s hard to explain in an intuitive way, but you’ll get it if you try it.
Another simpler example is CTRL+SHIFT+UP and CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN: your current selection splits to the next line in either direction.
Something similar happens with CTRL+SHIFT+MOUSE_LEFT.
Eh, maybe I’ve watched too much of that one literally blind playthrough, but the 3rd-person camera feels comfortable enough to me.
The 1st-person camera though…
I’m going to be honest, that’s the one improvement I’ve never used - the original pseudo tank controls are fine to me, at least on a X360 controller
These are made for X86, so I’m not sure they technically count as “old games”, but I’ve had a blast with recompiled+ported versions of TLoZ:OoT and Perfect Dark.
Ship Of Harkinian in particular adds so many features and improvements, that I’m not sure I would enjoy the original OoT played on an actual N64.
They may still hold up when emulated, though…
Didn’t that turn out to be an issue related to adblockers?
I can’t say I’m too surprised. My country isn’t devoid of shitty politicians only interested in leeching wealth either, nor in dumbass voters, but as far as I can tell US policy is exclusively moved by bribes from rich people.
I can’t tell what the many groups of voters were thinking since I don’t live there and I only see what makes its way to the Internet, but is it really that surprising that a perfect puppet ends up in the perfect place for a puppet to be, with a puppet master behind him?