I thought this was the pack for a second
I thought this was the pack for a second
Thanks so much!
I love the gradients. Can you send / share that wallpaper?
Potentially squishy and possibly dangerous depending on your infill setting.
The good news is you could custom order them with a flared base.
It does it you want to be sure it is delivered!
I have a couple of ideas. One is that variety promotes creativity. The other is that you might be thinking more deeply about your writing while you are away, but while you are forcing yourself to do it you are pushing it away.
I suggest running a paper server.
Is Minetest. No mods.
I would guess so. I’m running Mint on 15yo hardware. Chunky laptop, and DDR3 desktop. Between Mint and a SSD, the devices perform as well as current hardware on Windows 11.
There is no problem connecting an iPhone to a PC. Generally, Apple requires iTunes to interact with the device, as they wish to restrict and monitor the way you interact with the device. There used to be a FOSS plugin that worked with Apple on Linux, but it was not stable when I was fighting with it back on the iPhone 5.
This would be a gray area where technically they shouldn’t have it but no harm no fowl if they don’t share it.
That makes sense. The further back information would go, the harder it was to recall it. The answer wasn’t to think harder, but to fill in the gaps.
I have been playing with chat gpt for tabletop character creation. It’s not bad at coming up with new ideas. It is terrible at sticking to the rules of the game.
I attempted a home Linux machine about 7 years ago and had to give way over family needs. I’m now running mint on the next iteration of the family computer.
I wouldn’t freak out just yet. Microwaves are known to leak radiation and interfere with radio communication.
That person may be a bot, which may or may not be useful. If the headlines are useful, block the extra communities. If the bot is annoying, block the bot.
CCTV footage of carnivorous cans of beans stealing cats from target.