Camo baseball cap. I only wore it to go dove hunting. Only other hat I wear is a beanie if it’s cold.
Camo baseball cap. I only wore it to go dove hunting. Only other hat I wear is a beanie if it’s cold.
I have a big one rather than a small one. 11 years sober off all drugs and alcohol. Took going to rehab and sober living after but I made it.
F.lux removes blue from the screen. Makes it easier on your eyes.
As a Texan, I can absolutely attest to this
Oak tree. Destroys slabs like no other.
Desktop for gaming or any intense programs, laptop for studying and other browsing I want to do on the couch, phone I use for most chatting at work and with family and friends and looking things up on the go and doom scrolling. Also, phone has lots of audio books
Did way too many drugs and dropped out
11 years sober and hoping to graduate this semester
Red Lights or Leaves of Grass.
I’ll reiterate what most have said. They’re not a reoccurring problem and you forget about them after a bit. As for direct contact with the anus, depends on how your body is shaped. If it’s puckered in, then it won’t. If it’s flush with the curve of your inner crack, then it will. I never really paid attention to it.
I can see this being accurate. I’ve seen it where cars are jammed up before the road narrows and free flowing by the time the road actually narrows. The largest road block (pun intended) to this that I see is driver competency, and people letting them in.
I do machine repair in the evening shift. If nothing is broken, I generally don’t have much to do. They don’t bitch too hard because they know if shit goes down, I’ll work 16 hrs on a Saturday to get it working. I have access to a metal mill and lathe and spend a lot of down time learning and creating personal projects on it. Hell, I built a wooden bedframe and no one said a thing.
My parents rent out a room to a traveling nurse since my brothers and I moved out, the space was just going to waste. I’m not positive on what she pays, but I think it’s around $500.
My parents and grandparents own rent houses. They’re active property managers. Most fixes they do themselves. My summers growing up were working on them.
I think the difference between what they do and the corporate owned apartment I’m staying in is the “personal touch” (for lack of a better term). When the owners have never even seen the property, they see renters as numbers on paper instead of people.
Audiobooks mainly. I fix machines or create my own diy projects with my hands so I can continue it’s much easier to consume.
If the series I’m listening to is really good, I end up subscribing to their patreon and reading chapters as soon as they release them.
I immediately thought of this.
You can do it Barb!
Metal machining! I got into it a while back and love seeing what people make.
I’ll watch your YouTube video on this when it’s done 👍
Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Unfortunately I get off work at 11pm and not much is open that late so I rarely go out.