The entire post was off-topic as FUTO does not qualify as open source. That being said, the mods should probably update community rules instead of murdering a discussion thread.
The entire post was off-topic as FUTO does not qualify as open source. That being said, the mods should probably update community rules instead of murdering a discussion thread.
Removed by mod
Why is open source dogmatic? Because every line of code should have a purpose. Features are inherently optional and often cloud the project from the initial objective.
Few people are paid to maintain this category of software so they want to keep things manageable. Omitting features is the easiest way to limit edge cases and keep up with your dependencies.
Yeah, there are a lot of bells and whistles and a fundamental difference between the way they intend to manage dotfiles and the way stow does. Makes it difficult to get started.
One thing that helped me when I was first getting into it: Chezmoi doesn’t like compartmentalization like stow. It supports it, but it want’s you to lean into the config langue a bit before you start doing that.
If you do that you can get away with only touching the add
, cd
, and update
I liked stow, and used it for quite some time. That being said, it has issues. Issues community members have attempted to solve. Issues the sole maintainer wasn’t addressing for quite a few years.
I use chezmoi now. I’ve still got mixed feelings, but the templating system is neat. Stow seems to have gotten out of it’s slump while I was gone. That’s good news! Anyone know if they addressed the tree specific folding/unfolding config feature? Not seeing anything in the docs…
I agree limiting application scope is useful for multiple reasons, however Jellyfin started as a fork of Emby which already had music support. I have yet to find a standalone application that has enough features to sway me from just utilizing the existing media server functionality.
Finamp’s current alpha was a huge surprise to me. I stopped looking at development for a few months and in that time they completely reworked it
Nope, but it has become a backronym
You would first need to define malicious code within the context of that repo. To some people, telemetry is malicious.
Ever thought of unraveling that escape sequence and injecting it into the agetty start string?
Googles requirements for ARM cores on Android was pretty high. Don’t think I’ve seen a RISC-V core get close yet…
Remember, no snares or entanglement devices
significant economic harm to our company
Oh! I have a solution! Make it a local API you fucking goofs.
If I recall correctly, the whole suite was sold to a company that has a history of acquiring existing tools just to park them in maintenance mode and fill them with ads.
Also those type of blog posts tend to rub people the wrong way when they are written by the creator. Apparently other people see them as a call-out post more that something informative.
Yeah, I’ve been using it for about a year now. It’s a little frustrating that it will learn my misspellings before it suggests a proper replacement, but otherwise I have no complaints. Direct upgrade over the stock AOSP keyboard.