As far as I know telegram requires a phone number too.
And the conversation was about “talking to strangers without giving them your number”, not without giving signal nor telegram your number.
As far as I know telegram requires a phone number too.
And the conversation was about “talking to strangers without giving them your number”, not without giving signal nor telegram your number.
Signal supports username based chatting.
I hate questions like this due to 1 major issue.
A generative ai with “error free” Output, is very differently useful than one that isn’t.
Imagine an ai that would answer any questions objectively and unbiased, would that threaten job? Yeah. Would it be an huge improvement for human kind? Yeah.
Now imagine the same ai with a 10% bs rate, like how would you trust anything from it?
Currently generative ai is very very flawed. That is what we can evaluate and it is obvious. It is mostly useless as it produces mostly slop and consumes far more energy and water than you would expect.
A “better” one would be differently useful but just like killing half of the worlds population would help against climate change, the cost of getting there might not be what we want it to be, and it might not be worth it.
Current market practice, cost and results, lead me to say, it is effectively useless and probably a net negative for human kind. There is no legitimate usage as any usage legitimizes the market practice and cost given the results.
My advice for you is to humble yourself.
You make some big mistakes that will upset people that you care about.
You are mistaken if you understand symptoms as cause. You see them complain about e.g. women but that doesn’t mean women are actually the problem or the cause. So if you look at them complaining about women, you might think why are they so focused on women and make themselves sad. But reality might be, they are sad and the attention of a woman gives them a lot of e.g. dopamine and makes them happy or proud of themselves. If the woman is now the source of comfort, any rejection or conflict is more than what it is, the women “steal” their comfort from them. That is just an example that I have seen played out around me in my teenager years. I am not saying that it is your friends issue.
You seem to think the source of the issue can be located in their decision to focus on the issue. That might be an issue at times but not always and if it is not, it is very insulting, rude, and maybe even harmful to assume so. In my example of what a common issue was in my teenage years, they didn’t focus on the issue (self-esteem issue and societal expectations) but on feeling good and those who “played” judge on whether or not they were allowed to feel good. Obviously a very deranged perspective on reality, but an understandable one. When we burn ourselves while cooking, we usually don’t question the decision that we want a warm meal. They feel pushed down a cliff when a girl whose they thought gave them positive attention, rejects them. They might not question if they should be seeking validation from others when they don’t approve themselves. They are the issue and not the woman but they are suffering and not seeing it clearly.
Again I don’t know if that is an issue, I am just giving an example to highlight your flawed thinking.
The consequences of assigning a wrong issue and a wrong cause might not seem as big but you described some already. Alienation, both you from them and them from you. If you have an overly certain and/or overly simplified version of their issue, you will feel annoyed by them because they won’t go for the obvious solution And they will be annoyed by your attitude. Imagine your parents would die and a friend would say “they would have died eventually anyway”, would you take that positively? Because obviously, the issue isn’t that they are dead as much as they are dead now.
But with the alienation comes isolation, for e.g. actually medically diagnosed depressed people, isolation can be deadly. But it can also feed into alienation by reducing opportunities to bond and understand others. But once again, isolation is affecting both, you and your friend. If your friend starts to dislike you, they have one less person that can support them in their struggles. And if you lose enough friends like that, you can talk to yourself or post publicly to people about how you are happy and don’t understand your friends, because you don’t have friends to talk about it. I am not trying to be rude but I hope you see my point, instead of talking to your friends about their unhappiness and trying to get an understanding of them, you talk about your friends with random people online who don’t know you or your friends. That is like asking the random guy on the train if your mom has bday today.
Step back, accept that you are not them and that you can’t feel what they feel and that you don’t know them like they know themselves.
Don’t act like you know better, if you obviously don’t know.
Don’t talk about your happiness as if it was relevant. I am happy but I didn’t mention before because no one cares, it isn’t about me. It makes it seem like you are bragging about it, to those who aren’t.
Look into actual depression, just so you can humble yourself a little bit by realizing that they can’t easily control their brains chemicals and judging them for that might be a dick move.
In short, become someone who respects the struggles of others especially if you don’t know the struggle.
Lastly, your ability to do stuff with your body might be peace to you but others are struggling with just that. I know people who are smart and generally able but they just can’t make themselves do stuff. They sit there for hours, trying to focus on a task but their brain drifts away. Their knowledge of their possibilities if it weren’t for their inability to focus, pains them greatly and makes it very difficult to not blame themselves for it, even though they are medically diagnosed that their brain is just not working like a “normal” healthy brain. Your source of peace might be the source of great pain for others.
The 2nd one is waiting for marriage until you get to know what you like and what they like. If you “have to” eat the same dish, make sure that you like the same dish.
Honestly I don’t get it either. I think she needs professional mental health care immediately or we shouldn’t feel bad for her tears as they aren’t real. I hope we don’t have to feel bad for her but I am afraid that she needs help, a lot of it.
The issue is that relative to gold or silver, Bitcoin is very volatile. A crashing bitcoin could endanger the reserve, forcing the government to double down, making the volatile nature a bigger issue.
Yes gold is somewhat volatile but compared to Bitcoin, it is super stable. And ofc gold and silver are real resources that you can do for their physical properties.
There are a lot of moving parts here.
My parents and grandparents are fully aware of my lack of belief. So my parents won’t be shocked that my children don’t believe. I don’t mind letting e.g. my mother tell them about Jesus because realistically, humans believe what their environment believes and for my children, I am mostly their environment. So I don’t think some exposure to christian beliefs will have a bad influence and my counter-influence would be present, so my children can choose.
My so’s parents and grandparents don’t know about our lack of belief. Her mom is aware of my lack of belief in a religion. Now that makes the whole children thing more complicated but… We are a couple thousand kilometers away… So… I hope they accept that we don’t want to provide our children with any religious education until they are ready to understand it. So at an age at which children are able to lie in the worst case.
Honestly it is embarrassing. Fucking over a literal hero because he is gay???
These posts are motivating
That is the good kind of conditional love; condition is “love yourself and work towards a better tomorrow”
Never donate if you don’t have the money. You can put a imaginary bill in an imaginary jar and turn those imaginary bills in real ones once you get better off.
Thanks for caring but care for yourself first.
Why aren’t they doing anything?
I wished they won’t do shit. But in reality, they actively harm young people in their attempt of buying a home. E.g. I don’t know if it is something that exists in the us but in Europe there are plenty of countries with laws to protect old buildings but most of the time these laws are flawed as fuck and result in less affordable housing for people who want to live somewhere and cheaper real estate for big fraudulent dickheads who want to build new rental buildings
I worked in a office supplier at one point. People would enter the office, put some documents on the first desk they see and look at the guy sitting there. No hello… No sentence… Nothing… That is usually the point when we knew what was up. The guy would look at the documents and say "you aren’t at the right place. Wrong floor. Wrong door. " They would look at us in shock. Sometimes complain that you couldn’t tell where you are. It was always the same. They wanted to get something from the government. They had an office in the same building. There were multiple big sign. There was literally 2 signs outside telling you which floor. Obviously our office had a sign too. They passed at least 3 signs in an office building while they were looking where to go… People don’t read signs… They just don’t.
I could be wrong but I think it runs on boot. So it would loop into bsod.
I am sorry that you are unfamiliar with international drug trade.
It is the choice of criminals especially drug trade because it is privacy focused and removes the need to transport a lot of money over borders
Not really. It is the tolerance paradox.
Banning slavery might be authoritarian but it is less authoritarian than allowing it. So on the political scale, banning slavery is anti-authoritarian and allowing it is authoritarian.
I think it is a bit unfair to give you shit for your question.
it is normal to confuse authoritarian system with restrictions of freedom. Because generally that is how it works. But not in this case…
Because it is the paradox of tolerance all over again. Technically it is authoritarian to ban slavery but it would be more authoritarian to allow it as people would own people… So on the scale of how authoritarian an action is, banning slavery is as anti-authoritarian as it gets and allowing slavery is as authoritarian as it gets. (Of course, a world without slavery and without any rules would be less authoritarian but… I think we know better than trying that with slavery)
I hope this helps in actually understanding the reason instead of being told what it is.
Where do you want to place the goal post?
We talked about comparing 2 applications. Commenter wasn’t up-to-date and implied a falsehood, I corrected it as it is important for the discussion. Then you talk about something completely else and in context, implied a falsehood, I corrected that as it is important for the discussion. And now you are talking about something completely else again.
Please express your opinion. You can do it in this thread, even if it is off-topic, I don’t care, but please stop acting like you are responding to me.