Pretty much any Brandon Sanderson book series. Mistborn, Steelheart, Way of King’s, Skyward… Etc
Pretty much any Brandon Sanderson book series. Mistborn, Steelheart, Way of King’s, Skyward… Etc
No matter how dark the night, morning always comes. And our journey begins anew. - Lulu FFX
It’s from the video game Final Fantasy X, but it’s still such an amazing qoute
Anything. Music makes everything easier to do for some reason
If you need a laugh:
This Paranormal Life and The Adventure Zone.
This Paranormal Life is a comedy podcast about 2 guys who investigate the paranormal and come down on an answer as to whether they believe the story happened or not. They go into deep detail about the subjects they are talking about in a hilarious but informative way.
The Adventure Zone is a tabletop roleplaying podcast about the McElroy family trying to play roleplaying games and creating amazing stories all in a hilarious way.
Chicken Broccoli Braid from Pampered Chef. Trust me, it’s worth it.
My relationship with my mother
After discovering revanced and smarttube I refuse to ever go back
I would love to Google search Lemmy instead of reddit. I just don’t know how feasible it would be being that Lemmy is decentralized.
I use KeePass every single day
Same. Spent 3 hours on Gundyr in ds3 just to watch my non gamer wife beat him second try. Hated the game then came back to it with a friend who had finished it and voila, my new never ending addiction.