On a funny note I’d make all fast food react like Chipotle.
On a serious note it would be the chipotle from South Park where you’d be shitting blood.
On a funny note I’d make all fast food react like Chipotle.
On a serious note it would be the chipotle from South Park where you’d be shitting blood.
Everyone who eats at fast food restaurants gets diarrhea for 3 days
This post was actually conceived after a large amount of people were confused by a 4chan green text meme. The information was all there just not written in the average sentence structure. Also I’m generally very good at making sure I’m understood and will even change my word choice for better understanding.
But no I’m just an asshole who’s never wrong.
I feel completely fucked lmao. I practice longsword not because I think it’s best, it’s obvious that the spear reigns supreme. I just like the longsword more.
It also doesn’t help that you have meme texts that people will drop and derail the entire point.
“Long detailed documentation meant to generate intellectual conversation”
“Generate deez nuts 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭”
The problem with that is they were smart enough to find the smartest man alive to fix the problems
I’m not trying to be rude but did you understand what I said? Lane splitting at a stop light/stop sign/stopped traffic is safer for the cyclist. Lane splitting and continuing to drive between the lanes of stopped traffic is not.
Legally they are the same.
I’m not trying to be mean but I went through your comment history and found said post.
I don’t see what you were confused about 😅
Unfortunately no reenactments though I’d love to. So far it’s mainly just been solo practice on foot work and technique with minimal sparring as finding someone to spar with is difficult.
It’s not that they’re being too formal it seems that they’re thinking too formal.
Like they can’t decipher things like a multi use word or an obvious autocorrect mistake.
If we were talking about birds and I suddenly started using the word bards you should be able to figure out contextually that I’m still talking about birds.
Edit: also formal isn’t the right word. I specifically used fluent because fluently speaking a language means being able to deduce the meaning of a word through context.
As a lot of people have already pointed out it’s mostly prevalent in arguments. Like a comment I made on a video about lane splitting on motorcycles.
The video was explaining why lane splitting is safer for cyclists and shows a cyclist get rear ended at a stop light. The title of the video was “Most people don’t understand lane splitting”
I simply commented “No we understand this specific scenario but to continue driving between stopped traffic is completely different”
All the replies to my comment were about lane splitting at a stop sign/stop light. The very thing I specifically stated I understood.
The biggest thing no one notices in Idiocracy is that they were still smart enough to find the smartest man alive to fix the problem.
It’s gotten to the point for me that I just block anyone who clearly has no reading comprehension skills.
Forever chemicals?
At this rate there’s a lot of contenders.
Both? Though I’ve noticed it more when it comes to my personal word choice.
Honestly it might even just be because I’m autistic but it’s a recent thing (as in past few years) that suddenly a much larger number of people don’t understand the information I’m trying to convey.
Talking about the 3rd option I think that’s the opposite problem actually. People adhere to the formal rules of the English language so strongly that a slightly incorrect sentence becomes incomprehensible to them.
Me can create word lines by using wrong words.
That sentence should not be hard to understand if you’re actually fluent in English. Yet I see more and more people being completely lost and confused like they never even tried to understand in the first place.
Kinda like a spelling error in their there and they’re. Contextually you should understand which one they meant regardless of mistakes.
Fuck this is actually funny
Actual swordfighting lol I train specifically in German longsword techniques and I agree that fencing is nowhere near actual swordsmanship
Because my roommates dumbass mother keeps waking me up after 5 hours of sleep and I’m too livid to fall back asleep