Yea Im pretty happy with lemm.ee too. Great instance great (former) admin/founder. Great admin team un general. Could not be happier
Yea Im pretty happy with lemm.ee too. Great instance great (former) admin/founder. Great admin team un general. Could not be happier
Yea tends to happen when you are in a bubble and the admins strongly enforce said bubble.
I allways read a bit before going to sleep. It helps with shutting down. My sleep improved a lot
Yea ofc there is allways a too big. But energy makes a lot more sense over a big area. Not in form of a big power plant, but in a big energy network. If it’s sunny in one region and they make a lot more power than they can use and at the same time a different region has a power shortage, because it’s a cloudy day it only makes sense to share the energy. The larger the skale of your network the more efficient is your energy production. Less recources get wasted.
That’s so sick. Realy want to dive back in, when I have a bit more free time on my hands.
Overwatch (circa 2019)
I feel that so much. The game sadly got a lot worse over the years.
Not in order:
Minsweeper was unexpected. But I actually get it. It’s such a good game to pass a short amount of time
If all your friends have an apple phone it’s easy to buy one too. They have some features that makes having an android in an apple friend group quite anoying. For example the classic: “I’m going to air drop you the picture.” And then only after every apple user in the room has got the picture they think about sending it the classic way to the outsider. It doesn’t sound like much, but it doesn’t just happen with air drop, but with a lot of those features. Source: I’m the android guy in an apple friend group.
They all are far from techy… I think it’s wrong to generalize, but I think if you don’t know shit it’s easier to go with apple. Android usualy is far more customizable, but some people just don’t care and want a phone that just works. And for those apple can be the right option, because in general it’s easier to understand at a first glance.
I usually only have a backpack, so I have to make sure everything fits in that one backpack. So yea I order my stuff
Oh most social media probably keeps a copy. But your search history is usually stored locally, so it’s possible to delete that. Your internet provider only has a history of all sites that where visited via your internet connection and is unable to backtrack something to a specific device.
Stuff can absolutly be deleted. If you overwrite the stuff that was previously saved there it’s gone. The point is that cloud providers often just don’t delete your stuff. And whatever you do your network provider allways knows what you search for.
Student dorm. I don’t think they are actually making a lot of money of me, but it’s simple advertising.
300mbit for 17€ a month in germany
I love how the heart is infront of some ribs and some are missing alltogether
Yea I made a joke on ops cost. Go to their profile and check their last posts.
Need to change socks every day.
Socks. Personally I am a change every 2-3 days kind of guy.
Two showers a day realy isn’t good for your skin. Even once a day isn’t optimal, but I guess you have to compromise somewhere.
I love how it sais that South Africa has the highest and Egypt has the lowest screen time of Africa, while they are the only countries in Agrica with Data.
I dont care that they talk to each other that way. What anoys me about hexbear is the way they treat other people that just want to have a converation with them. Any other opinion gets banned instantly, even if it comes from a person that just wants to discuss a topic open minded.