Damn that’s some fucking good pudding!
Damn that’s some fucking good pudding!
No, I figured the infant wouldn’t need one.
7 kids, dad is buried under the mountain of packaging trying to put 6 bikes together.
That’s where a real artist would shine. Until AI can color match lawn mowers AI will not win. 😄
Disappointed the mowers don’t color match.
How about some crypto
Pardon me while I burn
Word Trends is what this software called them. I always wondered how they know how many times fuck is used in a book, I had hoped they didn’t have to count. https://www.maxqda.com/help-mx22/visual-tools/word-trends-analyze-frequencies-of-words-within-a-text
Just post your yard on a landscaping forum and ask for input. If you can get a drone shot it’s even better. Amateur landscapers can have some good ideas.
Get 101 dalmatians? You mean dog collars right?
Just turned 40 and I hardly ever game. I have returned to a hobby that I had as a kid but super charged it. I loved electronics as a kid, building and taking things apart. Now I am into 3D printing, home automation, electronics. Lately I have been building sensors and devices that combine all my hobbies. I have over 40 EspHome devices in my house and 25 WLED controlled lights and lamps. Had to upgrade my wifi APs to handle to load.
I love restoring old consoles and gaming things but I just can’t get myself to use the consoles I repair. But I did restore my old GBA SP with an upgraded screen and battery and have occasionally played some FF Tactics on it.
Poor Mr. Astley, forever known as Mr. Roll
You may have a drain that is draining too slow which is causing a backup into the overflow. If you turn the water on full blast does the drain keep up? If it’s not keeping up you need to figure out why.
Its a load bearing pack
You spent 20 grand on a cat? Why? That seems like a horrible investment.
Cats are assholes
Naw he just got human flesh colored tattoos.
Shouldn’t be long and we will have that much in our phones.
Gotta go fat